Chapter four - hate to hate

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Chapter four - hate to hate

We walk town the long hall to the stairs " want to train? " i say " ok " Loki says. we arrive at the training room and i break the silence " we should get in our training clothes" i notice looking down at our outfits " right... ill be back" he says walking to the changing room, as do i, tony got me some training clothes and put them in the Jim changing room just like he has for the rest of the avengers so i know they're warming up to me.

I walk up the punching bag and begun punching it , my fist thudding agents the bag and my head free of all thought clearing my mind " you punch good for someone who can't run from one hydra agent" I hear Loki voice behind me,crap I never thought about that!

My arms fall to my sides " well punching can't get me far from a hydra agent" I say hoping he isn't suspicious " I know i was just messing with you " he says "oh ... right" almost just blow my cover, I punch myself internally " hey didn't you say you have powers? " he asks " where did this sudden interest come from?" i try to not sound worried but even i can hear the fear in my voice.

He looks at me with an eyebrow up " well you know I'm a god right , I have powers too I'm just curious " he says moving to a bench and grabbing some punching gloves ( the things that you like put on your hands and someone ealse punches them) " right yeah I have a couple " I say walking to my water bottle " like what?" i dont like the way he's looking at me,like he has some power over me.

i take a sip from my water and out it down " i dont know just some" i walk back to the punching bag , i dont want to talk to him with that weird suspicious look and almost...evil look , he looks at me " you don't know...really" he says sarcastically yet not , I just start punching the bag he's pissing me off now.

He walks up to me and Velcro's up the punching glove around his hand " let's see how strong that punch of yours is" he's says putting up his hands with the gloves on , I look up at him " I'll just stick with the punching bag" I say going back to punch the bag " ok..." he says walking to put them back.

He goes to the other punching bag and punches it. He keeps looking at me like I'm gonna burn down the training room or something and when I ever I get a drink he looks up " stop that" I say stopping the punching bag his holding from swinging.

He stops and looks at me " stop what?" 
" you know what " I say moving to beside him " no I don't " he says acting innocent, I groan and walk away grabbing my water bottle and walking out the training room " what about your clothes " he says like a smart ass " I'll grab them later " I say storming down the hall out of his site.

I walk into my room , maybe I'll make friends with someone else, like Peter or Wanda.I siver from the cold wind , maybe Loki will be out of the training room by now , I walk to the training room and walk to the changing room then take my clothes,as I walk out I feel a foot in-front of mine "whoooh" I say falling to the ground catching myself with my hands but dropping my clothes.

I get up and start picking up my clothes "hahahahaha" Loki laughs deep from above me " uh shut up" I grumble picking up my shirt " I wish you had seen your face you looked so stupid " he chuckles " whatever " I say folding my clothes in my arms and standing up, shoving his shoulder as I walk away.

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