Chapter six - injury

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Chapter six - injury

I roll over and look at the clock next to the bed *10:00am* damn I slept in, I rub my tired eyes, I should get up. I stumbled out my door not even in the thought of reality and go down to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I look up and go to get a glass until I see Thor,Peter and Nat on the couch in-front of me "oh...hey guys " I say stopping their conversation "oh hey y/n " says Nat "I - ummm y/n....." Peters cheeks have gone red and he can't get out his words.

I look at him question on my face, I look at Thor to see what's up, he's just looking at me with a eyebrow up and a smile " what!?" i yell " whats so interesting!?" i say, Nat looks at me then gestures to my stomach,i go to move my head when i remember,holy sh1t i never changed from my pjs!!!

my eyes widen,looking down to myself wearing short shorts and a small crop top that reaches just below my (you know,things on your chest). I'm so embarrassed , i see nat grab a blanket and hand it to me "oh god I'm sorry!" i say
" dont apologise" says nat understandingly " yeah dont apologise" says Peter " thanks guys..." i mutter " I'm gonna go change" I say rubbing my neck with my free hand.

I put the blanket back And run up stairs crossing my hands over my chest, I run so fast hoping none sees me, I feel myself run right into a glass wall as i look behind me and fall to the ground, "hahahah" I hear that voice id know anywhere beside me, I look up next to me to see Loki.

I quickly cover my stomach with my hands " sorry..." I say " you should watch where you're going" he says with a giant smirk on his face and a rude teasing voice , why is it every time I see him I want to slap a smirk off his face.

I get up, my hands still on my stomach " I'm gonna go change" I say in a hurry to leave from this even more embarrassing moment, I go to walk away but I feel a warm hand on my wrist, not harming me just a general grab to stop me " hey you're bleeding" Loki says pointing to my forehead then to a shattered peace of glass on the floor with blood on the end of it , only now I had released the horrible pain though my whole head.

He puts his hand on the side of my head and uses his thumb to touch where I have been cut , I wince in pain causing me to move my head back " here I'll bring you to Bruce" he says removing his hand ,he looks so upset I'm hurt,it's not like he cares " I'm fine" I say.

I got to walk away but I feel the ground below me spin making me stumble " look you can't even walk straightest me help you" he says giggling but kindly " I said in fine"I say trying to seem intimidating but with the ground below me feeling like it's spinning and my head pounding It didn't work.

I then feel my feet left off the ground and myself in Loki's hands " what are you doing!" I yell but it hurts my head more " well if you won't come I guess I'll just make you" he says carrying me to the med room " y- " I go to talk but I feel my head in pain making tears fall from my eyes.

As he carries me he looks down to see tears falling down my face and I see though my blurry vision his face tenses up and turns very upset but I can't tell if it's mad or sad, " lok- " I start to talk but I can't use my energy.

Soon I wake up and see I'm in a med room bed with the blanket over me, I begin to sit up but then feel a hand on my shoulder gently pushing my do lay with my head up, I look to see Loki sitting on a chair next to my bed.

" take it easy" says Loki sweetly " you'll be fine just a bump" I hear Bruce say coming down the stairs " thanks..." I say " maybe just take it easy as to not make yourself dizzy" he says before walking back out.

I then release I'm still in my pjs, lucky I'm under this blanket " you can leave now " I say knowing he Doesn't care " y/n ... I'm worried " he says , I can almost see the shock on my face " what..? " i say " y/n ... you were out for almost hour..." he says.

" oh.." I didn't know it had been that long " well I'm sorry " I say , he then looks at me " don't apologise, it's not your fault " he seems almost sad " I'm gonna go to-" I begins to speak " no you should rest" says Loki " but Bruce said-" Loki covers my mouth to stop me then removes his hand " I don't care what Bruce said , you need to rest" he says " at least let me change I'm still in this horrible outfit " I say

" I think you look nice " says Loki , my eyes widen , he would have seen me in it for that whole time when I wasn't in blanket , he then notices my upset face-

Go read chapter seven.

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