Chapter 264

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Matt's POV: After getting dressed (again), I made my way to the door when I heard them knock again. "Okay, I am coming. Please jut relax." Opening the door, I saw it was Severide. "Severide, how in the world did you find me?" He laughed and looked at me. "I went to your place, talked to Antonio. Said you were at a hotel. I know this is your hotel that you and Gabby always come to. Said I was CFD and they let me up." I was shocked when he said that. "Uhm dude, I am currently on a date with Gabby. As in I was just in my boxers in bed with my wife. It's my birthday date." Kelly laughed. "Oh hell no, after need to have a real date. Go downstairs."

That's when I heard Gabby come out in her robe. "Can you be any louder Matt? The babies are asleep." I went to grab her hand when she said that. "Severide says he's here to watch the kids while we go on a date for my birthday. You have anything to do with this?" Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "No, I wasn't expecting a date until Antonio came on Valentine's Day." Severide nodded and agreed. "Well, the thing is...the firehouse agreed that you guys deserve a break. I offered to take Matteo but, Antonio's got him. You guys have the kids he said so, I can watch them if you want to go out for supper at least." 

Turning to look at Gabby, I was shocked that I was even considering it. "Now would you stay here or would you take them to your own suite?" Gabby then shook her head. "Matt, can you let me think about this first? I am already tired and stressed as it is. Plus, we don't have reservations for today. I want to go out tomorrow Matt. Antonio is coming on Valentine's day." I nodded and agreed with Gabby before going to kiss her head. "I agree with Gabby man. And I am not going to push her to do anything she doesn't want to do." Severide then sighed. "Okay, here's the real deal. I got into a fight with Stella about how she wants to stay on Ambo even after her maternity leave. She kicked me out because I was saying it was stupid."

I sighed when he said that before going to let him in more. "You want to take some time and go for supper? We can do that tonight. We already you it would just be supper?" Gabby thought about it and then came to hug me. "It would be a great distraction from everything that's going on." I smiled when she said that before going to kiss her softly. "Severide, we are going to take you up on the offer okay? Just give us a bite of time to get changed. I have to shower and put something nice on for Gabby. Meanwhile, she has to pump. Now, you are not staying the night though. Tomorrow morning, I don't want you here when I take a bath with Gabby." 

Severide nodded and agreed. "That's good." Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. "Hey Matt, think we can consider this our Valentine's Day date? It'll be slower and more calm at the restaurant. It might be better for me because of my OCD and stuff. Do you mind?" Wrapping my arm around her, I shook my head. "Hey, of course not. That is a good point. But listen, you go start pumping so that Severide doesn't need to disturb us while we are eating. Then, I am going to take a shower and put my suit on." Gabby nodded and smiled as I said that. "Can you start watching the kids now? Oh and stay out of our bed." Severide nodded and agreed. "Sure thing."

Walking over to the couch, Severide went to sit down to watch some TV. Meanwhile, me and Gabby walked into our bedroom to get ready for supper.

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