chapter three

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john b, jj and rosie sat in the hms pogue, passing by neighbours and family friends on their way to rosie's house. her mother had been scheduled to work the overnight shift again and rosie wanted to make sure her house was still standing. plus since her mother was usually given the overnight shift or was gone on multiple day-long benders, rosie's mom was also usually unaware that rosie often stayed with john b. which is another reason to go pass by her house, to leave a quick note, explaining rosie's whereabouts just in case she came home.

"okay, thanks guys. i'll just be a minute." rosie said to the two boys once they stopped at the dock in front of her house. she quickly climbed onto the dock and made her way towards the house.

rosie walked through the messy house, seeing (too many) beer cans on the kitchen counter and garbage littered on the floor. she quickly threw out all the garbage into a garbage bag and threw it in the trash can that was placed against the side of the house. as she did this and a couple other tasks, john b started up his own conversation with jj.

"okay. what's the deal, man?" john b asked as he turned to face jj, who in return gave him a confused look. "what do you mean?" john b scoffed, "oh come on! you're so whipped and it's so obvious. plus, don't deny the fact that that shirt she's wearing is definitely yours."

jj momentarily looked at the door rosie had entered, "yea, that shirt is mine. i let her borrow it. but other than that, bro... i don't know what you're talking about." jj said calmly, shrugging his shoulders. john b rolled his eyes dramatically, slightly tired of jj's bullshit claims. "you and the other pogues say my denial is bad, but yours... so much worse." just as john b finished saying this, rosie arrived at the boat. "what's so much worse?"

jj fake coughed into his hand before coming up with a quick lie, "uh, the state of the château compared to your house." rosie looked back at her house, "eh.. not really. both are kinda bad." rosie said, turning around and putting her hand in jj's outstretched one.

"so.. how did it go in there?" john b asked, changing the subject once rosie sat down beside him. "it was okay. mom's still at work, beers everywhere, ya know.. the usual. i just wrote her a quick note saying i would be fishing with you guys, plus kie and pope." she said calmly. both boys nodded at her response, starting up the boat again and setting off to get pope.

"good mornin'." john b waved to some neighbours, driving the boat slowly. "sure hope guffy's boat didn't sink. he doesn't have insurance." jj said, to which rosie pouted. "that's not good."

"hi, miss amy! you guys get through it?" the three pogues waved. "still here." jj turned to john b, as the boat moved at a steady pace. "she totally looked at me." jj smirked as john b nodded. "i saw it."

rosie accidentally laughed out loud, quickly covering her mouth. "okay, jay.. whatever helps you sleep at night."

jj plopped down in the seat beside rosie's, "i'll tell you what helps me sleep at night. you-"

"ew, jj. don't finish that sentence. if you do, i will drop kick you off the boat." john b said, interrupting jj mid-sentence, with a disgusted look on his face.

as the hms pogue pulled up in front of heyward's, john b was quick to grab pope's attention. "well, look who we have here." pope looked up from the bucket he was washing, his eyebrows furrowed. "we have a safety meeting. attendance mandatory." john b spoke into his shoulder, his hand cupping his mouth to sound like he was using a police scanner of some sort. pope walked closer to the edge of the dock, "i can't. my pops got me on lockdown."

"come on, man. your dad's a pussy. over." jj said, mimicking the static sound john b did just seconds earlier. rosie quietly slapped her hand over her mouth, trying to cover a laugh but moving her hand away afterwards to hit jj's leg for saying that.

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