chapter thirty-two

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"welcome to crackhead wasteland," sarah commented, as the pogues arrived at barry's trailer.

"i don't know about this, man," pope chimed in, voicing how he thought this was a stupid plan. jj stopped the van in front of a messy trailer, looking at the id one more time. "dude, why are we at barry's?"

"this'll only take a second," jj said, getting out of the car. "jay, where are you going?" rosie asked. "yo soy justicia," he responded back easily, walking up the porch steps.

"did you glean anything from that?" rosie shook her head in frustration at the situation. she just wanted to go back to the château and be alone. but unfortunately, this.. event was stopping that fantasy. "you know somebody should probably–" kie started to say. the pogues all looked at rosie. she sighed, "yeah, yeah. i got it."

she hopped out of the van, making her way inside. rosie walked inside to see jj trashing the place, obviously looking for something. "jay, what's your plan here?" she wondered aloud, arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against the door frame. "well, as thou hath stealeth from us, we shall stealeth from ye."

rosie walked inside further, "jj. that's a bad idea. and you know it." the blonde boy shrugged, "an eye for an eye, rosie. it's how life works." she rolled her eyes, "oh, yeah? when has that ever worked out well? last i can recall, it was never. that never works out." when her boyfriend didn't respond, she continued.

"you can't rob a drug dealer, jj. you're gonna get yourself killed. he knows who we are," rosie explained, standing in front of him and blocking his way. she was hoping to at least stop his actions as she looked up at his eyes. jj looked at her eyes, seeing how serious she was being. it was obvious she was scared but jj's fury blinded him, not being able to see the fear and worry in her eyes. jj kept repeating it in his head, thinking about the way barry treated him and his friends... he deserved to take a hit back. no one was gonna casually place a gun in front of rosie or john b's face and get away with it. jj came to a conclusion, "i'm not scared of this guy."

"well, maybe i am... jj, don't–" she started but he brushed passed her, continuing to search the druggie's room. rosie sighed, leaning against the counter and scratching at the dead skin on her lips. "shit."

"what are you doing?" she called after a couple minutes of silence. "getting even!"

"alright, took care of business," he said, walking back out from the back of the trailer. rosie grabbed onto his biceps, holding him in place. "jj, you can't do this. you're gonna get screwed over in the future. i don't want you to end up on a similar path like your dad." jj scoffed, pulling away from her grip. "low fucking blow, rosie. you think i'm gonna end up like my dad?"

rosie shook her head incessantly. "obviously not. you're a much better person by like billions and billions of fucking miles. but if you keep stealing, especially from a drug dealer, you're gonna end up unhappy and in jail. and i don't want that for you. i want you to be happy," she explained pointedly, pressing a finger to his chest. jj's eyes scanned over her face. "aren't you tired of being messed with?"

rosie dropped her head in disappointment, he did not get what she was trying to say. "that's not the point, jj." he nodded anyways, "cause i am."

the brunette groaned, "i am too. but i care more about you staying safe than getting even with barry." jj stared at her, saying nothing and walking outside. rosie was feeling a plethora of emotions. mainly, she wanted to cry. cry in frustration and disappointment. her and jj didn't often get into arguments or disagreements but when they did, it easily took a toll on her. and she was bothered that she couldn't get jj to understand why she didn't want him to do what he was doing. all she wanted was for him to be safe and to not take money from a drug dealer. but jj was so goddamn stubborn.

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