chapter forty-one

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back at kelce's, rosie and john b rummaged through the small laundry room, desperate to find any way of escape. they went through every single box in the room with no luck. john b even tried to use a hanger to unlock the door, ignoring rosie's claims that it wouldn't work.

"look, kelce, just– just– just let us out, man," john b tried, breaking the silence.

"yeah, kelce isn't here, bro. it's topper."

at the kook's words, rosie's mouth formed an "o" shape. rosie was thinking– john b had sort of stolen topper's girlfriend, in a way, so obviously, things were shaping into a fun night. she was curious how the boy whose girlfriend john b cheated on with was going to react. looking over at john b, rosie noticed he had a similar 'oh shit' expression, "oh, boy."

both rosie and topper scoffed at the same time. "yeah... yeah. surprise," topper said bitterly and sarcastically, leaning against the doorframe and wondering what bullshit john b was going to try and feed him.

"okay. um... hey, top. it's john b. hey– hey, man," john b started, stumbling over his words and walking closer to the door. rosie furrowed her brows. "he already knows that, dipshit," she whispered from the floor, earning a middle finger from john b, without a glance her way, his eyes glued to the floor.

"hey, man. so... look–" john b tried again after hearing a cold, 'hey, man' as well. topper chimed in quickly, "gonna try to talk your way out? just cut the bullshit, alright? like, the– the chickens are roostin', brother. like, it– it is over. you two are in some deep shit now, man."

as topper spoke, rosie furrowed her brows yet again. 'the chickens are roostin'?.. who even says that? apparently, topper was a 52 year-old farmer now. however, rosie's attention was directed back to the two boys once again.

"listen to me! i didn't kill the sheriff.. and rosie didn't kill the sheriff," john b said insistently, tapping his fist against the door with each word. "you didn't shoot the sheriff?" topper's tone was fake, he really didn't care what either said.. he wasn't going to believe them.

rosie stood up quickly, "no, we didn't. it was rafe!" john b nodded along, "rafe did it! alright? sarah was there. she saw the whole thing."

"oh, it was rafe. okay. my bad," topper said sarcastically. "i get it, man. you don't believe me, or rosie. and honestly, i probably wouldn't believe myself either, but... i– i get it, alright? you hate me because of sarah," john b said. rosie rolled her eyes, at this point she might as well sit against the washing machine at this point, she thought to herself.

"you knew we were boyfriend and girlfriend, right?" topper insisted. rosie hated to admit it, but he had a point. even though, john b isn't the only one in the wrong, it's not like topper and sarah's relationship was a secret. they should've waited or something.

from outside the sirens wailed, john b closing his eyes before responding, "yeah. yeah, my bad." topper only chuckled harshly, "piece of shit. and, um, i– i got another question."

"go for it, buddy," john b said somewhat encouragingly, making the kook scoff. "did you fuck her? hm?" rosie was immediately shocked, face pulled back with a disgusted frown and knitted eyebrows. john b had the same reaction, trying to piece a lie together. ""

"no? you sure?" john b paused, "no. i– yes, i– i did know–"

"yes or no, john b?" topper yelled.

"okay, look, man. yes!" john b finally admitted. rosie scrunched her nose. she did not really want to know about her cousin's sex life and the fact that topper was so persistent to know made her like him less. a bit perverted, she thought to herself, still resting against the washing machine.

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