Chapter I

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Perspective Tara kom Skikru:

I walked down the little river close to Arkadia. It was already getting dark. Soon the night sky would be covered with thousands of blinking stars that reminded me of the Ark, of my parents, of my past. I came closer to the shore, kneeled down, and felt the cold water in my hands.

I heard footsteps behind me. I wanted to turn around to find out who walked behind me but before, I felt a foot on my back kicking me into the river. I felt pain on my back. Before my head dived under, I heard a familiar voice, Ontari. Her words were the last thing I understood before I felt like ten thousand of little ice crystals were digging into my body. '' I am so sorry Tara.'' Under water, I couldn't breathe anymore. In front of my inner eye, I saw and heard Lexa talking to me. '' Don't be afraid, death isn't the end...''

Perspective Ontari kom Azgeda:

I saw Tara diving into the water. Something in my mind was telling me I had to do that. The voice in my brain belongs to Sheidheda, the cruellest commander you could ever imagine... but there was another voice in my head. It was the voice of a younger woman, and she wasn't screaming at me. No, she talked with me like a mother would. It was Becca Pramheda. The first commander and creator of the flame. The little piece of metal that was in my head right now, the one that made me to Heda. '' Decide with your heart '' was what she told me. The other voice started screaming, '' love is weakness! Do you wanna be weak Heda?! '' But this time, I did not answer. I ran to the shore, took a deep breath and dived into the water. I saw Tara's body, so I swam quicker to her. When I reached and finally pulled her through the surface of the cold river, I realized how stupid I was. Not for failing Sheidheda's order but for considering to let her die in the cold water. I again hear Sheidheda's voice yelling at me... '' I will kill you Ontari! You're not worth it to be called Heda '' Before he continued to insult me, Becca Pramheda's voice screamed at him '' shut up Sheidheda'' and surprisingly, this time he stopped, and I could finally concentrate on saving Tara.

As soon as we reached the shore, I laid her on the ground. She wasn't breathing well but at least she was still alive. So, I pulled her on my horse, holding Tara as tight as possible. I was too scared she could fell. In my head I was praying to Becca for Tara to survive. I had already killed many people without even caring, yes but it was something else with her since she had been the one always sacrificing everything for me. Without Tara, Clarke would have already surrendered me to King Roan kom Azgeda  after I tried to brain wash Murphy a few times. But she kept the situation under control helping me to change and to understand my mistakes. Otherwise I would have been dead already.

Usually Arkadia was a place I loved to go to.Every time I came back, I was fascinated but now 

the closer we came to Arkadia, the more I got scared to explain what had happened, but one thing was sure. I had to tell them the truth even if it could cost me my life. I wouldn't lie, that I am the one who tried to take Tara's life.

I entered the big doors leading to the city of Arkadia. Even before I could say something, Bellamy ran towards me and when he saw Tara in my arms, he hectically screamed for help. Niylah came out of the medical area and even if she acted professional, I could feel that she was really scared. Everything went so quick, like everyone exactly knew what he or she had to do. Only a second later, it was just Bellamy and me, standing in front of each other. I looked at his eyes and started crying. '' I tried to kill her '' were my last words before I broke down in tears. '' What did you do?! '' Bellamy shouted at me and to be honest, I could understand him, since I just revealed, that I tried to kill the sister of his best friend Clarke. Before I could answer, Raven came out of her workspace. '' Sheidheda right? '' She asked me. I wiped my tears away and nodded my head. '' I knew it '' Raven shouted to us. '' We need to remove him now if you wanna survive Ontari '' I knew that she was right even though I wasn't sure if I really wanted to live... Again, I nodded and followed Raven. In there, she directly knew what to do so I tried to relax and closed my eyes. I knew Raven would do everything she can.

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