Chapter XII

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Perspective Tara kom Skikru:

After the breakfast that Emori made, I took my documents for working as a teacher and sat on the ground in the living room. After some minutes, Murphy entered. He wanted me to go and call with my sister. In the meantime, he would bring a chair on my balcony so I could study from there. I was really excited about how working as a teacher would be in Polis after I never got a chance to work on the Ark. 

 Emori ran to me and helped me to climb the stairs to the room where the radio was located. I sat close to the machine and took it in my left, unharmed hand. I was shaking a lot. But before I could keep on panicking what Clarke was about to tell me, I heard my sisters voice on the radio. I was glad to hear her but before I could say something she already told me that she would give the radio to someone who really wanted to talk with me, so I thanked her and tried to calm down. I heard a voice I knew so well, and I was about to cry from happiness.

 It was Madi. ''Hey Tara, how are you? Do you feel better? What did you do the last days? I am curious. And I really wanted to apologize for never telling you how important you are to me. I haven't dared to. I am feeling so bad for that Tara, believe me, you are my family. I love you and I really need you. Is it okay for you if we both talk with each other a bit when I am back in Polis? I do trust you Tara and I really feel like talking with you helps but please don't forget that I am also always here for talking. Family is always there for each other. Oh Tara, I can't wait to see and hug you again and I can't wait to see you teaching. You will be so good in that; I already know it and I am really excited to see that. I really miss you.'' Tears started falling down to my cheeks. Madi was alive and she just talked with me the way I always dreamed that we would. Like really siblings. I took a deep breath and started talking.

 ''Oh Madi, I am so happy and glad and thankful to hear from you. I am fine. Okay I have to admit that my back still hurts a lot and so does my right hand which I hurt yesterday. Murphy and Emori are here, and I did not know that they were, so I got scared. I wanted to hide under my bed but instead I fell and harmed my hand but it's okay. Emori says that it will heal completely and so will hopefully my back. I still sometimes get little panic attacks at night, but Doctor Jackson said that they will disappear fully if I keep on working my anxiety out. And the last days I spend at the medical area learning for my final exam but yesterday, I discovered a guitar in my wardrobe that Lexa bought for me, and I started creating a quite memorable melody. When you are back in Polis, I can maybe show you if you want to and Madi, I really love you too and it's okay, just please never ever scare me again with running away. I need you. You are like a sister to me.'' 

 Now I heard Madi crying on the other end of the line. ''Oh Tara, I love you so much. Believe me, you are my sister, and I am so extremly proud of you. You will be an incredible teacher and I promise that I will never run away again. But please take care. I really hope that your hand will be okay soon and that you can walk normally again. I really can't wait to hear you playing. Oh, Tara I am just so glad to talk with you and I can't wait to come home tomorrow, and I promise I will hug you so tight. I need you. But I have to end talking now. It's my last day in school today and Lucas and I will have an important presentation. I love you and I can't wait to see you again. May we meet again.'' I wished her good luck and answered with may we meet again as well. This is how we say goodbye. It's our tradition from the Ark and I was proud to be part of this culture. 

After I talked a little more with Clarke, I slowly went downstairs again where I saw two chairs on my balcony. Murphy sat there with my documents, he slightly smiled at me. ''So Tara, back on the Ark, we used to have lessons with Pike where I usually slept instead of listening so now, I am curious to learn something from you. Just imagine me being one of your students. Maybe this can help you for your exam.'' I had to laugh about the thought of him sitting in classes not paying attention at all. I knew that Miller used to do the same, so I imagined them both in the class, sleeping. Murphy and I ended up laughing but then we were serious trying to make it as realistic as possible and he was actually a great student and really helped me to get more confident with the topic. That was really helping, and I was truly thankful.

We had some time left until lunch, so we kept on talking. There were so many things we did not knew from each other yet and now was the perfect moment to catch up with that. Murphy had changed a lot. That was clear. He told me how his life was on the Ark as a teenager. It was weird to imagine that he used to have a normal life. Like Clarke, like Bellamy, like Monty. When we were sent down to earth, Clarke was 17 and I was only 11 so I never got to be a teenager on the Ark. He told me about some celebrations they had there and how he and Bellamy had always been happy teenagers even if they did not have much. I could not tell him a lot about the time in space because I was a child back then. The only thing that had been a part of my life since I can remember was painting. My sister used to sit on the ground, drawing people she met or images how she expected earth to be while I usually painted flowers or the sky arround us.

Talking with Murphy made the time pass really quick, so that Emori came to us shortly before 1 am. She smiled and asked us to help her bring the plates to the balcony in the living room. We would eat outside today. I liked that thought since the sun was shining and it was beautiful weather. How much I would have loved to sit somewhere outside, playing the guitar or to even paint but I knew that I couldn't. I had to keep learning and I needed to stay somewhere inside because I still could barely walk which wasn't really good for being outside.

Emori had made carrots with potatoes and meat. It was really delicious, and we again had a great time. We enjoyed life to the fullest. Murphy and Emori planned to go on the market for buying new, fresh vegetables and other things we needed. The tower was quite huge so I hoped that they would stay. There were so many things Murphy and I still had to exchange. When being a teacher, I wanted to be able to describe life on the Ark in comparison to life on the ground. 

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