Chapter XIII

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After lunch, I again sat on my balcony to learn for the exam in two days. Slowly, I started to get nervous, but I kept my concentration on the documents. At some point I closed my eyes and felt the warm sunshine on my face. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a voice and frightened. Who was that? I turned around and went to the edge of the balcony to hide behind the flowers. I spotted a young girl that I estimated to be 10. Kind of in the same age as I was when being send down to earth. She seemed to search for someone, so I left my hideout and came closer to the balcony parapet. 

She smiled and pointed to the door. I understood and went to my room, where I closed the door and slowly made my way downstairs. It still took me a while, but I was getting better, and my back was hurting less. When Emori would be home again, I definitely had to tell her. After quite a while, I opened the big door and stepped outside where the little girl was waiting. She had short blond hair, brown eyes, and an oval face. Her hair was partly braided, and she wore a pair of black jeans and a grey pullover. I was about to say something when she started talking. ''Hello, are you Tara? Because if so, you will be my new teacher and I am so excited. My name is Abigail, and I can't wait to learn from you.''

I had to swallow while hearing this girls name.It wasn't easy at all, but I tried to stay professional and responded asunemotional as even possible. ''Hello Abigail, yesyou are right. My name is Tara. I am sorry that it took me quite a while tocome down, but my back isn't okay yet. How are you? You seem like a reallyinteressted student. What's your favourite subject?'' Abigail first seemed sad but thensmiled. ''Tara, am I allowed to call you Tara or do you want me to call youMiss Griffin? Is there something with my name...? I mean you swallowed. Are youokay? I love school. All subjects are great, but I have to admit that english,trigeda and human history are my favourite ones.'' Ihad to swallow again. How could I explain this in the best way possible...? Aftersome seconds I decided to be honest. ''First ofall, don't worry. We aren't in school, so you don't have to call me MissGriffin. Secondly, I never meant to react this way. It doesn't have to dosomething with your name. Okay it indirectly has. My mom is called Abigail too.Everyone used to call her Abby. But she died in Sanctum some months ago. I know that I am a teacher and Ihave to be professional, but it was hard for me to hear it after everything.But please don't worry. I will be able to handle that in school. I am okay.What about you? And I am excited to teach english and human history. I am notreally good in Trigedaslang myself so till I can teach this subject, Idefinitely need more lessons myself.''

 She smiled, and I had tosmile too. We kept on talking and gladly she did not ask anything about my mom.I knew that I had to act professional when being a teacher. But it was hard. Ireally missed my mother. I have to admit that she had not always doneeverything right. What had shocked me the most still was my mom in Sanctum not realizingthat her daughter Clarke writes with her left hand while Josephine on the mind drive in her head wrote with the right hand. I directly recognized that while our mom didn't. And all in all, she took many wrong decisions, but I still loved her and still do. She is my mom and even if Clarke and I used to say that her ring is everything that is left of her. It's not true. Niylah was right. Clarke and I are all that's left of her and our dad. They live on through us.

Abigail and I talked a little more about several things, then I apologized for my behaviour, and entered the tower again. My hand already felt much better, so I decided to go to my room, took the guitar and played a bit. It wasn't the cleverest decicion, I do have to admit that, but I needed the magic of music, right now. I was really focused on the guitar so that I did not recognized who stood at the other end of my room. It was Titus with his long, black gown. If I did not know him that well I probably would have frightened from his appearance. But he smiled and when I finished playing, he clapped his hands. I felt honoured and blushed a little. I put the guitar away, gave him a hug and left my room.

In the meantime, Murphy and Emori were back already preparing dinner again. It wasn't really late in the evening, but I was tired, so I decided to take a nap. I laid on my bed and fell asleep some minutes later.

 I heard footsteps and waited to see the others, so I turned around, ready to stand up. But there was no Murphy or Emori. I frightened. No, this could not be real. I saw light brown hair through my half opened, sleepy eyes. The person who stood there was my dad. He slowly come close and sat on the edge of the bed. I was still paralysed in my movement. What was happening here? I knew that Clarke had seen him some months ago as well, but it was when she was in her mind space together with Josephine. 

 My dad had died over 8 years ago. He still looked the same though. Dad smiled at me and took my hand. ''Wow, my little girl, how much you grew up. I am so proud of you. I can't believe that you are already nineteen. My sweet little Tara. I wish I could have protected you from all the difficulties life throws at you, but you are strong and brave. You will conquer everything. Believe me.'' Tears were rolling down to my cheeks. I did not really have many memories of my dad. When he was executed on the Ark, I was only 10 years old. Seeing him here was hard. Many times, I had dreamed about spending one day with him and now I did not even know what to say. He was my father but at the same time we were strangers.

''Dad, why are you here, I mean am I dreaming? '' He slightly smiled at me. ''Oh sweetheart. You are dreaming yes. You know, sometimes people unconsciously wish to see someone and when they dearly believe in it, the person appears to them in their dreams. So do I to you right now. I know that you are scared to not be able to treat your students professionally especially the one girl called Abigail. But I know that you can work professional. Yes, I might have seen you the last time when you were ten, but you are a Griffin and Griffins never give up. Your mom is proud of you and so am I. I don't have much time left. You will wake up soon. Before I have to go, I want to tell you something more. I am so sorry, that I left you alone. You shouldn't have to grow up without your parents but even if we aren't with you, please never forget, that we will always be with you. You are my daughter, and I couldn't be more proud of you and Clarke of course. We love you.

 May we meet again.''

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