Chapter 10: Ball Game Tournament Time

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"The crappy weather's finally over!" Sugino exclaimed with his hands behind his head, as Nagisa, Karma, and I were strolling on the main campus.

"It's gonna get hot soon." Nagisa added.

"Let's start spending more time outside. I wanna be more active." Sugino said.

"Sounds good. You know I'm game." Nagisa said.

"What would the three of you say to some fishing?" Karma asked.

"Fishing? That sounds like it'd be fun. What's in season?" Nagisa inquired.

Karma had devil horns and a tail as he began to explain what 'fishing' was, "In the summer months, delinquents are out in droves. Use Shiniko as bait, and there's no limit to how many of the bastards we can shake down."

"Sounds like fun," I said, as devil horns and a tail sprouted. "But personally, I would use Nagisa as bait, just dress him up a bit and he'll be perfect." I added.

"I didn't realize delinquents had a 'season'." Nagisa said.

"Seriously, though, let's do something." Sugino complained.

"There's always the beach," Nagisa suggested.

"That sounds nice, I've always wanted to see how Shorty would look in a swimsuit," Karma added.

"You damn pervert!" I exclaimed and swung my bag at his head, hard. "And quite calling me 'Shorty'." I added

"Ow, that hurts, Shorty~" He teased, getting on all of my nerves.

I'm not that short damnit!

They walked by the baseball field to see one of the teams practicing, and two girls who were praising the team, more like the captain, as he threw the ball.

"Hey, hey! Look who it is!" he exclaimed, gaining the team's attention. "Long time no see, Sugino!"

The whole team gathered to where Sugino was and started talking to each other.

"Burning the candle at both ends is a privilege of the gifted." the captain said.

"Humility much?" Karma provoked, "Wow, sounds to me like somebody thinks they're one of the chosen ones."

"Heh, I am." the captain boasted, "You don't believe me? Fine. See how you feel after watching me in the tournament. There's great, then there's everybody else. Now guess which one I am. That's just the way things are. I don't make the rules."

I sighed as I held my forehead, "If only your IQ was as high as your ego." I roasted. "Come on guys, let's go." I walked ahead with a victory smirk as the others followed, leaving "The Chosen One" with his jaw on the ground.

In class, Koro-sensei got confused as to why E Class played the exhibition game, so some of the students explained why that was.

"If you dweebs wanna be a laughingstock, fine. Me an' the boys got too much self-respect. We're out." Terasaka said as he started to walk out with Muramatsu and Yoshida.

"Chicken~" I yanked his chain as he growled and stormed out.

Isogai tried to stop them, but they left. Soon the student's attention went to Sugino, since he was a baseball player prior to joining E Class. He started explaining how screwed they were, but he still wanted to beat the team.

"The odds aren't in our favor, but-" Sugino stopped when he saw Koro-sensei.

"Swing, battah-battah! Sa-wing, battah!" Koro-sensei shouted with a plant in his mouth and he had a baseball outfit on, as well as other baseball related things. 

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