Chapter 0.10: Cleaning Time

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Shuu knocked on Shiniko's door and waited for an answer.

No response.

He knocked a little harder.

Still no response.

This was the final knock, he knocked really hard that it could be heard downstairs.

I heard knocking, but I didn't want to wake up. I'm usually really grumpy if I don't get enough sleep, which I obviously didn't get enough of.

"Whaat..." I managed to groan out.

Shuu opened the door and stuck his head in, "You're gonna be late for school, get up."

"I don't feel well, I'm not going to school..." I fell back asleep when I didn't hear a response.

"Alright, get better soon then." he said with a hint of concern and left.

I woke up an hour later. Since I didn't want to go to school, I had what was left in the fridge and continued to pack.

Before long it was almost noon, so I washed an apple as a snack and made my way to the E-Class building.

When I got there, it was already time for lunch. I went to the faculty lounge without being noticed and met up with Yukimura sensei once more.

"Hey, Yukimura sensei!" I greeted her with excitement.

"It's nice to see you again! Oh my! What happened to you?!" Yukimura sensei's excitement turned into worry.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I tripped and fell." I repeated the lie.

"If you say so," Yukimura sensei believed it.

We conversed like usual until lunch was over. I went home after and continued with the move, there wasn't much to pack left, since I didn't own too many things.

After I finished packing, I took the keys Uncle Asano gave me and unlocked the door downstairs.

I got hit by a cloud of dust when I opened the door.

Just how long was this place locked up for...

I tried to swat the dust cloud away as I walked in. I turned on the lights and was shocked at the sight of everything covered in a fine layer of dust.

It looked like no one was down here in years...

I left the house and went to the department store to get a white chemical protector. As I was walking home, I stopped by a convenience store to buy some shower caps and rubber gloves. I thought of how I should tackle this place.

By the time I got home, I had a plan, but to clean the space thoroughly, it would take at least two weeks or more.

When I got home, I brought all the cleaning supplies I needed. Before putting on the chemical protector, I tied my hair, then put on the gloves, and wore the shower caps over my shoes, so they don't get dirty.

A bit much, but necessary, for me at least.

The first room I cleaned was the bedroom, and it was huge like the other rooms. I wiped the windows clean before opening them to air out the room.

I cleaned each room from top to bottom, and fixed any cracks and damages I could see. I even cleaned the furniture inside and out, every nook and cranny.

Sweeping; vacuuming; mopping; spraying; wiping; and moving, I did it all myself. It was even more tiring than training.

"What are you doing?"

I shrieked and whipped my head towards the door, "Oh my god you scared the shit out of me. I'm just cleaning, why?"

"Why? It's not like anyone lives down here," Shuu retorted. He just came home from school.

"Use your brain, genius. Why do you think I'm cleaning this area."

"Are you moving down here?" He asked.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

"Why? Is there something wrong with living upstairs?"

"No, there's nothing wrong..."

Except for the fact that you nearly found out what I do with my life...

"...I just want some...privacy, ya know?"

"...Oooohhhhh, I get what you mean, you need 'privacy'..." he said slowly while smirking.

"It's nothing like that, you potato!" I exclaimed. "I just thought it'd be a waste not to use this area, now get out."

"Okay, okay, but first, what's with the get up?" He pointed at my outfit.

"I didn't want to get dirty." I answered and went back to cleaning.

"Nice to know... The homework's gonna be on your desk." he said and left.

I decided to stop here for the day and go out to pick up a few more things.

I went to an electronics store to buy a few things. When I came back, I placed the things on the table. I was exhausted from all the work.

After I showered, I was much more relaxed. My wounds have healed except for her bruises, they weren't healed all the way yet.

I went to the kitchen to start dinner, but it seems like someone beat me to it.

"You're cooking tonight?" I asked.

"You worked yourself to the bone today, take a break."


I took a seat on the other side of the counter and scrolled through my phone, as I waited for the food.

"You haven't been to class for a few days now, what's up with that?" Shuu asked, plating the food.

"Oh nothing much, just didn't feel like it." He passed the bowl to me. "Thanks."

"You know, if you keep skipping like this, you'll get kicked into E Class. The principal's only being lenient for now because it's you." he mentioned.

"And I'm ok with that," I replied. "I'm studying on my own at a higher level anyways, so there's no point in me attending class anyways. Now, if you'll excuse me." I went back to my room, finished the homework and did some work on my laptop.

The next day was the same. I woke up late and skipped class to clean. I went as far as cleaning the ventilation system. The last thing I wanted to do was air out the whole place again.

After opening all the windows, I moved everything downstairs and got my stuff set up there and moved the furniture around to my liking.

The rest of the day was spent at the training grounds catching up on, well training and lessons with Irina.

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