Chapter 31: Think Outside the Box Time

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Mamamia mamamia, here we go again...

I've been glued to a chair in a room filled with teachers, marking all the exam papers, even ones from the high school division of this school. But I'm certain that E Class will be overjoyed with scores.

After the marking was complete, we had to put together a chart for the students who made it in the top 50. 

I could tell that some teachers were disappointed, disgusted, and angered that all of E Class had made it on the chart.

That took forever, I miss my bed...

The next day, I made my way to the class early in the morning. The sun just started to rise.

I had a surprise for E Class since they made it in the top 50 on the exams and were able to beat A Class. 

I made each of them a personalized card with possibly the best surprise they could ever receive.

There even little notes in them, and of course they were all different. The surprise I got wasn't easy to obtain.

They're gonna love this... Well, I hope they will...

I hid each card in the corresponding desks. I had a genuine smile on my face as I finished. I never gave gifts to anyone before, besides the people I actually  trust and like.

I asked Karasuma and Irina over the phone if they had time for the surprise I had for the class, but sadly they were both busy that day.

After I was done, I fell asleep on my desk until it was time for class.

My nap felt like only minutes had passed by until I heard my alarm go off. Naturally, I felt around for my phone and started slapping it to snooze it.

5 more minutes...

~ said 5 minutes later ~


I did the same thing again. Slap and snooze.

"10 more minutes..." I mumbled.

"Um, Shiniko, we don't have 10 more minutes. Class is gonna start."


"Shiniko wake up~ Or I'm gonna steal your lunch~... C'mon, wake up!"

The voice got louder and someone started to shake me violently.

"Ok... I'm up... now leave me alone, both of you..." I mumbled to Karma and Isogai.

They went to their seats as Koro-sensei came in.

"Alrighty class, let's have a look over your compiled exam papers. Did those crucial second blades manage to pierce through their targets I wonder?" Koro-sensei held up our papers.

Then he handed them out at Mach 20, as expected of him. I wasn't surprised when I saw my papers, but everyone looked frozen.

Koro-sensei posted the results of the exam on the board like they would in the main campus. When the students saw it, they were shocked.

Terasaka was ranked 46th, but even in E Class he's dead last.

Karma got first place with a total of 500 points and so did I.

The room was filled with chatter. I was still in my seat, still waking up, and waiting...

Mimura was the only one sitting at his seat at the time and I saw him notice the card in his desk.

He took it out.

"What's that?" Maehara asked.

"I don't know," Mimura answered.

He read what was on the cover.

"Congratulations on your exams, here's a small gift for your accomplishment." He opened it and there was another note inside, as well as a small tab that said, "Pull :)".

He read the note and gently pulled on the tab.

"Oh my gosh!" he gasped, everyone became curious and looked over.

I smiled to myself.

"It's a front row seat to Kazuko's concert tonight and there's a backstage pass too!" he practically screamed in excitement.

Everyone gathered around the desk like wild animals.

"Dude, how did you get that!?" Okajima asked hastily.

"I don't know... I just found it in my desk. Check your own desk, maybe you got one too," he suggested, gripping on to his ticket and backstage pass like his life depended on it.

Everyone rushed to their desk and they all found a ticket and backstage pass.

"I got one!"

"Me too!"

"The cover art looks amazing!"

"Aren't these really hard to get and super expensive!? Who got them?!"

"Wait! Look! Our seats are all in the same row and section!"

To fit in with all of them, I took the card I made for myself and looked at it smiling, but really I was just smiling because they were so happy.

Nakamura came running to my desk with Kayano.

"Shiniko, aren't you excited for tonight!" Nakamura's smile was almost as big as Koro-sensei's. "I can't wait!"

"Same here!" Kayano chimed in.

"I can't wait either!" I gave them a small smile.

The class couldn't calm down at all. I saw Koro-sensei leave the class looking down in the dumps, mumbling something 'bout how he deserved one too for being our teacher. He's most likely headed for the faculty room.

In 3... 2... 1...

There was a loud shriek and Koro-sensei blasted back into the classroom as his usual cheery self.

"I got a ticket to the concert too! We're going to go as a class!" Koro-sensei announced. The class cheered and continued talking about the concert.

I couldn't really stay, so I packed my bag and sneaked out of the building. As I was going down the mountain my way. I saw Uncle Asano and a huge excavator headed up the mountain.

That's sus...

I hid behind a bush and called Kayano.

C'mon... pick up, pick up!

"Shiniko, where did you go?" she said.

"The Principal is heading up to the building, get the class to calm down, see ya at the concert," I whispered and hung up.

This is gonna be a long night...

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