Chapter 14: Island Time

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A few days into summer vacation and I'm already bored. So, I decided to take a nature walk. As always, I was listening to music. Unknowingly, I started singing out loud.

When the song ended, I heard rustling in the bushes. Instinctively, I drew out one of my real blades out of my pocket and threw it in the direction of the noise.


I walked closer and looked over the bush expecting a stranger or something, but it was only a few of my classmates.

"Oh, it's only you guys," I pulled my knife out of the dirt and put it back.

"What's with the real knife?" Maehara asked.

"Oh, I don't know... Maybe to protect myself," I answered sarcastically.

That was a close one...

"Right..." he said, somewhat uneasy.

I ended up joining them on their bug hunt. Kurahashi showed them one of her traps that already had three insects on it. She had 20 more up elsewhere that should make about 1 000 yen each.

Soon, they heard chuckling and turned their heads, only to see Okajima on a branch reading one of his magazines. 

He started to walk off, the rest of the group followed. He parted some bushes to the side, revealing a completely pink Koro-sensei in a stag beetle costume, reading a dirty magazine while sitting on a pile of them.

"I may have a filthy mind, but it'll serve me well in the pursuit of my goal. It's because I'm a self-aware, first-class perv that I know the uncomfortable truth," Okajima said as he held up the anti-sensei knife that was in between the pages of a magazine, "In the end, pornography will save the world."

Oh jeez, I hope not...

The other four thought that he was actually cool there for a sec. Okajima started to explain the plan, but before they could do anything, Koro-sensei's eyes went all dweeen and extended out.

"Thought you could hide from me?" Koro-sensei questioned and grabbed something from the tree. "A miyama stag beetle, with white eyes."

Both Kurahashi and I lit with joy, and ran out of the bushes. Koro-sensei and Kurahashi started jumping on the pile of magazines. 

After Koro-sensei realized he was on top of a pile of dirty magazines, he covered his face with his tentacles, letting the beetle crawl on him. I carefully picked up the beetle to get a closer look at the white eyes.

"So, what's the big deal with this beetle?" Sugino asked, "It's just a miyama stag beetle, right? Didn't you say that artificial breeding made them all pretty much worthless."

"Actually, these go for a lot on account for being really hard to breed." Kurahashi answered, "A mid-sized one is worth its weight in gold. One as big as this fella, we're talkin' a small fortune."

"Shut up!" Sugino exclaimed.

"Most beetle eyes are black, but the eyes on this beetle are white," I added. "With stag beetles, albinism is only possible with the eyes, that's what makes them rare. These could go for hundreds of thousands of yen." I passed the beetle to Kurahashi.

The guys' faces all lit up as they heard how much it was worth.

"Okie dokie, boys. Which one of you rejects wants this baby?" Kurahashi asked, holding up the beetle.

"Me!" All the guys exclaimed and shot their hands up.

"You'll have to catch me first!" Kurahashi said happily and ran off, the guys started going after her. I caught up to Kurahashi with my wings, but not to take the beetle. I could make thousands on my own quite easily. In the end, no one got the beetle and Kurahashi kept it herself.

A week before their class trip, the whole class was on the mountain practicing their shooting skills. Everyone was hard at work, but Irina was just relaxing.

Lovro sneaked up behind Irina, startling her, "Somethings can be counted on to never change."

Karasuma explained why he was here to the class. "Relax for even one day and your killing muscles atrophy. Unless you want to fail, wear something respectable!" Lovro yelled.

Irina jumped out her chair and began running into the class and came out not long after in a plain, black hoodie.

While I was busy with target practice, I noticed that Nagisa walked up to Lovro and said something that was inaudible to me.

What do they have to talk about?...

When the day of their trip came, everyone was on the boat enjoying themselves. Koro-sensei got motion sickness, again.

Upon their arrival, they were handed complimentary drinks.

"On behalf of the Fukuma Resort Hotel, welcome. We hope your stay is a pleasant one. Tropical juice, compliments on the house, enjoy!" The server handing out drinks welcomed.

When he got to my table, I stared at him; then, he winked, which only confirmed my sneaking suspicion and I smirked to myself.

The class decided to get into groups and started planning.

Sad to say, I was stuck with Kayano's group, and they were going snorkeling.

Im not saying I don't want to be in this group, it's just that I had to rework my swimsuit so that the top part would stay on because the wings were in the way.

My swimsuit was much like Nakamura's, but just a wee bit different. When Karma saw me, he immediately started teasing, but it couldn't be helped. Heck, even Nakamura joined in.

When we finally got into the water, I cooled down a little. When I swam up for air, I saw Karasuma and Irina on shore.

Karasuma picked her up and tossed her into the ocean, making me laugh before going back under.

Near the end of the day, Koro-sensei was burnt to a crisp from head to toe. 

During dinner, he molted. Bad idea. Molting takes away energy and after dinner was when they were going to try their assassination plan. 

Koro-sensei looked all gloomy, but when the food arrived his face lit back up and started to pig out.

After dinner, everyone got ready. I was in one of the speedboats with Kayano.

"How are you holding up with the pain?" I asked, since it's been awhile ever since she had the tentacle seeds injected into her.

"Ugh, the pain is unbearable," she answered miserably in her Kayano voice.

"Can you talk like yourself? Sometimes I can't take you seriously." I said.

"Fine," Akari said in her normal voice, "But the pain is unbearable. When I got kidnapped with Kanzaki, I wanted to destroy them, but I have to keep up the act."

"Of course..." I said kind of down.

"By the way , what about your wings?" she asked. "Do you know who could've done it?"

"It was mostly likely Shiro," I said through bared teeth. "I have a strong feeling he's you know who." 

"I see."

"When you injected the seed, did you hear a voice talking to you by any chance?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did. It asked me what I wanted, and I said, 'an assassin'." she answered looking at the horizon. I nodded as an acknowledgement. 

Only a few more minutes before their plan goes into action.

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