Chapter 5

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School went by pretty fast after lunch. The last bell rings so I get out of my seat and head towards my locker Tristian is talking to Lizz and I notice Jordan is talking to Olivia. I hate Olivia she is a rich spoiled brat. She is pretty much the queen bee of our school. When I get to my locker I put up the textbooks I dont need. Lizz then turns to me and starts talking.

"So do you have to work today?" I nod and she continues. "Okay cool, I can give you a ride if you want. It is kind of a far walk to do if you are on crutches." I nod again then Tristian starts talking.

"Can I catch a ride to? My truck broke down again."

"When does your truck not break down?" Lizz asks sounding annoyed.

I follow them outside to Lizz's car I get in the passenger seat and Tristian gets in the back. We drive to the rodeo grounds and I wave goodbye to Tristian and Lizz and head to the office. The rodeo grounds consist of 5 different parts the stockyard, the actual rodeo arena, a dressage arena, a showjumping arena, and the indoor arena. It's actually a really nice rodeo ground and a really expensive one to rent. The office is located in the indoor arena part which right now the polo riders are using for practice. I make my way to the office and when I enter Amy Marshall is standing there next to my boss and owner of the rodeo ground Tom Fletcher or Mr. Fletcher. Amy is the local vet she does everything from a parakeet to a Zebra. They both smile at me and then Mr. Fletcher starts talking "Ashlyn, before the accident you signed up to be a helper here for Dr. Marshall. So I have decided that will be what you do until you are back in normal condition." He started nodding to my leg before continuing "Because I don't think you can lift a hay bale while using crutches." I give a small smile and look a Dr. Marshall who has a smile on her face.

Mr. Fletcher dismissed me and I followed Dr. Marshall and she started explaining what I will do. 

"So as you know you are very limited right now but you already know how to do basic overviews of a horse so you will do that for now. So here is a list of all the horses you have to go check. I am afraid I have to leave for a meeting but finish this list and you are free to go. Any questions?" I nodded a quick no and she smiled and walked away.

Great now I have to go check 13 horses. Luckily all of them are either roping or barrel racing horses so that made my job easier. On the list, there was a note that said to go check in the feed shed and there should be a vet assistant tag and also some supplies I might need so I make my way over there and grabbed the backpack full of supplies and the little tag. The first horses are pretty basic some had to have their hoofs clean other than that everything was all good. I got to this pretty all-black barrel racing horse. His name was King, he had the perfect build and beautiful posture. He looked nothing like a barrel racer.

As I went to go inspect him, someone called out rather aggressively. 

"Hey, girl get away from my horse." I whip around real fast to see a tall muscular man coming right towards me but right behind him comes a familiar brown-haired person who then also comes up. 

"Dad chill out she works here." Jordan stated before turning to me "What are you doing?"

I hold out the badge and clipboard. His dad calmed down a little but still looked mad Jordan nodded at me to continue what I was doing. I turn around to further inspect him Jordan joined me in the stall. I lifted the horse's front right hoof and notice the horseshoe is steel not aluminum. I put the horse's hoof down and turn around Jordan is giving me a weird look. I point to the horse's hoof and they both look at me funny. I let out a sigh before picking up the horse's hoof again and waving over Jordan he comes over and looks at the horseshoe then back at me.

"I don't get it what's the problem."

 I give him a stern look before an idea came to my mind I held out my hand signaling him to stay and I walk out of the stall as fast as I can. I didn't have my crutches they were outside of the stall so once I got a hold of them I went a lot faster. I heard the familiar high pitch laugh of Lizz and I went towards her. Tristan saw me coming and waved Lizz turned around a smiled at me. She opened her mouth to say something but I grabbed her wrist and started pulling her forward. Tristan laughed and also followed he was laughing the whole way and Lizz was just complaining but once we got to the staw she stopped complaining and I let go of her she pointed to Jordan then to me with a sly smile. I gave her a look that said "I hate you" before walking back into the stall I waved her over before picking up the horse's hoof. She made a dramatic sigh before walking over to me.

"What type of horse is he?" She asked.

"Barrel, why?" Jordan responded.

She looked at me before responding "These are really expensive dressage shoes like each shoe Is like $1000 they are meant for if you have competition after competition." Jordan looks at her than his father then at me.

"What does this mean?"

"Well, his posture looks like dressage posture. Not barrel racing which is dangerous to ride him like a barrel racer if he is in fact dressage." she said matter of factly

Jordan looked back at me before asking "You ride English so  do you do dressage or something else?"

I look at Lizz before nodding my head Lizz then responds "She does showjumping and doesn't ride much dressage anymore." I look at her with a sly smile and pointed at her.

Jordan looked between the two of us before asking "Wait you did Dressage?" 

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