Chapter 27

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Pheonix was pacing his stall and kicking at the ground. I was holding a halter and a lead rope just outside of his stall, Jordan was sitting on a stack of hay on the other side of the walkway and Lizz was sitting on the ground beside the hay.

"You realize to walk him you actually have to get in the stall." Jordan remarks. I turn and give him a glare and Lizz laughs.

"He is right you know" Lizz states "and that doesn't happen often."

Jordan kicks her playfully on the back of her head. I take a deep breath and walk into his stall slowly. He stopped pacing and stared at me with a curious look in his eyes. I slowly put my hand up and he walks slowly towards me and he puts his muzzle against the palm of my hand. I slowly slip the halter over his head and tighten it, I clip on the lead rope and slowly walk him outside of the stall. 

Jordan and Lizz both slowly stand up and start to make their way to the indoor arena. I lead Pheonix in the same direction. So far there haven't been any problems but i doubt it will stay that way.

As I enter the arena I walk towards the round pen Lizz and I set up earlier. Jordan opens the door and I walk.

"So are you just going to lunge him? What is the plan here?" Lizz asks 

"I think today you should just lunge him." Jordan adds in. I just shrug.

I grab the lunge rope and clip it to his halter and take off the lead line. I throw the lead line at Jordan who fails at catching it. and then glares at me. I grab the lunging whip and click at Pheonix to start with a walk.

We go on like this for a good 5 minutes before I build him up to a trot. After he trots for another 5 minutes I make him switch directions and have him start on a walk and build him back up to a trot. We keep this up for about 40 minutes before I call it quits.

"See that wasn't too bad." I whisper to Pheonix.

I feel someone come up behind me "Yall will be back to competing in no time" Jordan whispers in my ear before walking beside Pheonix and taking off the lunge line he then takes the whip from me and I walk Pheonix out of the round pen.

"He needs a break why don't you put him out to pasture for a little bit." Jordan suggests and I nod in agreement.

"I have to go family emergency, Jordan can you take Ash home?" Lizz asks while fidgeting with her phone.

"Yeah sure, everything okay?" He responds catching the nervousness that I'm seeing.

"Yes, my mom just says she has something important she needs to tell me."

"Okay, call if you need anything ."

"Will do, see yall later."

Jordan then turns to me "Want to work with Princess?"


"I have a weird and random question." I state as Jordan is saddling up Princess.

I pick at the hay bale I'm sitting on not looking at him "On my first day of school at lunch Lizz made a comment and she said Mr. Bull rider what's that about?"

He laughs "I might of said I do bull riding, which I don't because I'm not a complete idiot. I did do it once and it didn't go so well." He laughs at the memory and I look up at him. He looks so at ease like nothing could ever bother him.

"You ready to see some of the best roping you'll ever see?"

"Doubt it will be the best I've ever seen."

"Ouch" He says acting offended

"I have to keep your ego under control" I joke

"I bet I rope better than you."

"I am an amazing roper."

"Oh really?" Jordan asks walking towards me.

"Yes, really I was taught from two of the best ropers I know thank you very much."

Jordan is now standing directly in front of me. Were actually at eye level due to the fact that I'm sitting on the stack of hay bales.

"I'm going to have to hold you to that." He whispers

We both just sit there in silence Jordan's eyes flickering across my face but I'm focused on the gold flecks in his blue-greenish eyes. He starts to lean in....

"Has anyone seen my phone?" Jordan steps away real fast and I look over at Lizz who is unaware of the moment she just rewind.

"I thought you had to go see your mom?" Jordan asks his voice has a small shake in it.

"Yes but I cant find my phone I..." She finally looks up at us "Why do yall look like yall have seen a ghost?"

Jordan looks at me "I guess you just scared us."

I nod my head in agreement

"Oh well sorry I'm so scary." She states "Found it!!" she says walking by the hay bale. "Okay well bye."

Me and Jordan just sit making sure she's gone.

"Um well, we should probably go and um... exercise Princess." I say hopping down from the haybales

"Oh yeah totally." Jordan responds untying Princess and following me.



Sorry I haven't been adding.

 Life has been chaotic, and I had a friend's mom passed away so I have been trying to be there for them.

I have been working a lot more recently to but I am trying to get stuff written and posted. Thank You to everyone who has stuck with this chaotic story I am so happy people have been reading it. To be honest I don't know if I really like my writing in this its kinda cringy. Maybe I shouldn't write romance...

Don't worry I will finish this story

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