Chapter 13

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Rodeos are the definition of chaos.

As we are walking into the rodeo grounds kids are running around with big bags of popcorn and huge bags of cotton candy. I can't help smiling as we walk farther into this hectic event. Of course, I  don't stay smiling for long. Dr.Marshall comes walking up to me with a begging smile and I already know what that means.

"I know it's your day off but can you please help me with on-call work?" She asks begging.

Lizz complains in the background but I nod my head yes and give Lizz a good luck hug before going over to the medical booth. There is only one other person here which is Mark he smiles and waves but then goes back to staring at his phone. This is going to be boring.


I was wrong.

We are sitting in the shaded booth when Dr.Marshall comes in leading a horse with a huge cut on his side. I stand up almost instantly and she hands me a clipboard with all the horses. information

Name: Deadly Storm

Age: 4 

Owner: Rodeos of Tennessee

Previous Injuries:  Infected Bruised Sole and cut below the shoulder blade running down his left side.

After reading about his information I went to go help I gave Mark the information and I put on some gloves. The cut wasn't bad but it was dirty. Dr.Marshall hands me some disinfectant spray and we get to work.

It didn't take long to clean up the cut. Instead of stitches, she glued it back. I helped with some medication on his hoofs and give him some pain medication. We all clean up our areas. She hands Mark the lead rope and he takes him to the recovery stall. Dr.Marshall starts to put up her supplies.

"I hope that rider is okay it looked like he got banged up pretty bad." I looked over at her while she is shaking her head. "He looked to be a pretty young rider. Maybe your age." She looks over at me to see if I respond.

I start to take off my gloves and throw them away. As I'm doing that a man walks over to the tent.

"Did yall just have a horse named Deadly Storm?" He asks I turn to face him and realize he was looking at me. Luckily Dr. Marshall stepped in.

"Yes, sir we did my other assistant brought him to the recovery stalls." She said politely "Do you know where those are?"

"No Ma'am" 

Dr.Marshall looks toward me and nods for me to show him. I give her a pleading look but she gives me a stern glare. I sigh and put down the things I was putting up.

I nod for him to follow. He starts to follow but Dr.Marshall whispers him something. I'm guessing it's about me. 

As we start walking towards the indoor stalls. The man starts talking.

"So how long have you been working here?" I give him a stare that shows I'm not going to answer. So he asks a different question.

"Do you ride?" I nod yes to that but stare forward. "Do you own a horse?" I nod yes again and he starts asking more questions with me nodding yes and no to answer.

"Do you ride western?" I nod yes then switch to no to show I sort of do.

"So mostly English?" I nod yes.

"Do you jump?" I nod yes.

"Only jump?" I nod no.

When we get to the indoor arena I lead him to the recovery stalls where both his horse and mine are located. I nod towards his horse and he smiles. I walk over to Pheonix and he comes over to me. He nuzzles my hand and I rest my forehead on his muzzle.

"This your horse?" I nod slowly still looking at Pheonix

"Is that what  happened to your leg?" 

Before I can respond to that someone's hands are covering my eyes.

"Guess who." A voice I recognize very well whispers in my ear.


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