Chapter 10

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 That is the first thing I hear when I wake up in the morning. I open my eyes to see a very angry Lizz throwing a dart across my room and hitting directly in the center of my dartboard. 

"Guess what she did." I give her a questioning look. "She asked him out and she is apparently now doing roping." I am super confused. "Olivia went out on a date with Tristian last night and now she is trying to take roping lessons and she wants to use MY HORSE!"

Okay, now I understand. I pull myself out of bed and calmly walk over to Lizz and pull the darts out of her hands. I grab her by the shoulders and take a deep breath and then exhale. She does the same thing and I let go. 

"Why would he say yes? He was also the one who asked if she could use my horse."

 I give her an "I am sorry" look before turning and grabbing jeans out of my dresser. "I mean he literally just asked me out, and now he goes out with her." She falls backward onto my bed and I go change. I decided just to wear jeans and a tank top tucked in with a flannel over. I leave my hair in the messy bun it is already in and put on the knee brace I grab my crutches and backpack and Lizz comes and joins me. 

"We are eating in the library today." she says as she leaves my room.

We get to school and go straight to our lockers. Tristian, Jordan, and Quinn are all talking in a corner by the door Tristian and Jordan smile and wave at us but neither of us does the same. Olivia made her way over there and is all over Tristian. Lizz avoids all eye contact and just grabs the books from her locker. I grab a dry erase marker from her locker and write on her board "At least your naturally pretty." She smiles at that then shuts her locker door. We both turn around to see Jordan and Tristian right in front of us. 

"So did yall do anything last night? Well after your doctor's appointment." Tristan asks. 

Lizz just ignores him and walks right past him. I sigh and follow after her. I hear Jordan say "I think you made her mad."  

At lunch, I somehow managed to convince Lizz to eat in the cafeteria. By convinced I actually mean I just sat down and she sat down too. Jordan also sat with us which was a little surprising but I didn't mind. 

"Can I just say I hate Olivia?" Jordan says "All she talks about is clothes, make-up, and the newest things her dad buys her. Also, Tristian wants me to let her use Princess to learn to rope on and there is no way I am letting that spoiled brat ride my horse." 

Lizz and I just stare at him before laughing and I mean really laughing. Jordan also starts to laugh and I catch out of the corner of my eye Tristian staring at us from the table he is at with Olivia and her spoiled friends. He looks so sad and... 


Quinn and Mark join us and we actually have a pretty nice lunch. I didn't make any comments of course and none of them said anything about yesterday to the other two. I actually had fun.

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