Chapter 9

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I pulled my arms out of their grip and did a weird attempt at the gate but I screamed out in pain and fell back to the ground. This time Tristian came over to me and helped me up but right when I got up another sharp pain went up to my leg and I collapsed again. Lizz came rushing over and Dr.Marshall did too they were both talking at the same time and I just couldn't handle them talking along with the pain. I was sobbing and shaking my head no trying to get them to shut up but they wouldn't so I grab Lizz's hand and squeezed it so tight she yelped before turning and glaring at her. I'm guessing it was not a good glare but it got the point across and she stood up a took a step back Dr.Marshall also shut up and before touching my leg I yelped again and then she said "We need to get you to the doctor. Can you stand?"

 I try to get myself up but scream out in pain again. Jordan walks over and picks me up in a weird way to make sure not to put pressure on my leg. Dr. Marshall opens the passenger side door to her truck and Jordan sets me in. 

Lizz walks over and asks "I can trailer Pheonix back to your house but your dad might get mad about it. I could also put him in his old stall here if you would like?" I nod at that and she gives me a small smile before stepping back.

We arrive at the hospital and they have me do an x-ray. My doctor comes in and starts speaking to me "So the good news is you didn't mess anything up to bad also we can change out your normal brace to just a knee brace. The bad news is your knee is swollen pretty bad but we can't actually tell why also you still have to use your crutches." I nod at that and Dr. Marshall asks what that means exactly.

"So the swelling could easily be just from all the activity on it so I wouldn't worry too much about it." I nod at that and she tells me I am all good to go so I change out braces and leave. Jordan is actually waiting outside of the hospital and comes up to me and says "Lizz told me I had to pick you up since her a Tristan took care of your horse."

 I roll my eyes and turn towards Dr.Marshall who smiles and waves goodbye. Jordan goes straight to asking questions "So did you break anything new?" I nod no and he responds "I don't understand why you don't talk I know you can." I just start walking to his truck. "Fine I can drive you home in silence but I don't know where you live so are you going to tell me?" I nod no and we get into his truck. He sets down his phone and I point at it. He looks at me and then back at his phone. "Do you want me to put in the password?" I nod a quick yes and he grabs his phone and puts in his password. I take it from him and put my address into the GPS. He smirks but starts driving.

When we get to my house there is an inpatient Lizz and a very worried mother outside. I hop out of the car and grab my crutches. I wave goodbye to Jordan he waves back before leaving. My mother pretty much instantly starts asking me all these questions and I just shrug and walk inside. Lizz follows me all the way up to the room before she starts bombarding me with questions like "Did anything happen between you and Jordan?" or "Are you broken anymore?" I don't even nod my head to her I just plop into bed. She gives out a long and loud sigh before saying "Fine I will come to pick you up in the morning." I give her a small smile before she leaves. Finally peace and quiet.  

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