Chapter 43

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"Thanks for the ride"

"Of course, watching you walk home would be like watching a sad moping puppy, not to mention the fact you're wearing your knee brace again." Jordan points that out with a slight frown. "I didn't realize it was bothering you again."

"Meh only a little I promise I'm fine." I reassured him.

As I was about to get out of his truck I see my mom walking towards us. She was walking quickly which only just scared me more. By the time she's at my window signaling me to roll it down I'm considering asking Jordan to step on it and drive away, but I don't. Instead I do the civil thing and roll down the window.

"Jordan it's good to see you again, do you think you could be a doll and help me get something out of the basement for me, it's quite heavy and I promise I'm not going to kill you down there."

I roll my eyes and look towards him he shrugs and then gets out of the truck, I follow suite but instead of following him and my mom I head inside.

My brother is staring down at his phone looking like he's trying to make sense of something but not being able too.

"Everything alright?" He jumps a little realizing he is no longer the only one in the kitchen.

"Yup, just texting Missy, you remember her right?" He actually looks worried that I might've forgotten her.

"Yes I remember the girl you have been dating since your freshman year of high school. She's kinda hard to forget when I feel like I practically grew up with her around. Did you ever ask her the big old question?"

He blushes a little before responding "I did actually, probably about six months ago. And she did in fact say yes."

"I'm happy for you, really, I always liked her so did Kimberley." He smiles at me, his cheeks still red from talking about his now Fiancé.

"Just over here," I turned my head to see my mom pointing Jordan who was carrying a large wooden box over to the table "That's perfect, thank you for your help sense this one over here refused to help."

"You didn't even ask for my help" Colton remarked, " you came in looked at me like you were going to ask something then went outside instead."

"Well I saw someone who would help without complaining the whole time. Sorry not sorry." She shrugs her shoulders before moving onto the box.

That's when I allow myself to look at it more, it was my sister's. This wooden box contained all of her buckles and ribbons and anything she could fit in here, she had been packing it before the accident, but my father finished the job.

"Why did you pull this out?" I asked my fingers brushing the dust off the engraving of her name on the box.

My mom didn't even falter at my voice she just smiled and said, "there's a few more things I'd like to add."

I just nodded. Colter was staring at the box, he was the one who bought it for her all those years ago, originally for ribbons won from her dressage years. He smiled a little at it, probably it realizing she kept it.

"Hey do you want to go up to my room?" I whispered to Jordon, I needed a minute and I wanted him there.

He nodded and without a word followed me up to my room. I knew my mom wouldn't question it, of anything she would be excited he was up here.

Once we reached the top of the stairs he made his way to the bed and jumped backwards onto it knocking off a couple of my random pillows.

"Hey no shoes on the bed, take them off now." I demanded not wanting his nasty boots getting dirt everywhere.

He rolled his eyes at me but obeyed. Letting the boots drop to the floor and then pulling his legs back onto the bed.

"Can I ask you something? I feel like we need to discuss the other night. You know when I kinda kicked you out?" I asked him.

He nodded, slowly. "Look I'm sorry I had no right to yell at you like that, I just... it's a sore subject, and I know you have opened up to me on countless of things so if what you are asking is what happened, I don't know how to tell you the whole story."

He moves to the end of the bed, and gestures for me to come closer. So I did, a stood a few steps away and he reached his hands for mine, as I took his hand he pulled me in to where I was standing in between his legs.

"He left, and from my perspective he took everything, half the cattle, half the businesses money, and my mom's joy. I know that last part sounds stupid but he did he up and left. She was never the same. I wasn't exactly close to her but I did care for her and I loved her, she was my mother after all. I know though that my brother was her joy. My dad made it out to be all his fault, the decline in her health the business not making money anymore, so we moved, after my mom passed my dad needed a new start so here we are. I had no clue my brother was here, he changed his last name to my mom's maiden name but it didn't register till I saw him. I think deep down I know it wasn't his fault. That's why I was so sensitive about it all. And I'm sorry."

I give him a small nod and look down at my hand still in his. I give them a squeeze, "thank you for being honest."

He smiled up at me, he slowly stood up, now taller than me I was the one looking up at him.

"I should probably get going, Presley would kill me if I'm late tonight. We're having dinner with my brother."

"Oh?" I ask my eyes-brows scrunched together.

"She thought it would be good for everyone to "talk it out"" he did air quotations for the last part. "It won't be talking it will probably turn to yelling."

"I'm sure it will be fine." I give him a small smile.

"I know you told me you want to remain friends for now but I just have to do this one more time."

He brushed his hand against my cheek before leaning in, I felt his breath skim my lips. Right as my bedroom door swing open.

I pushed Jordon onto the bed as I turned around to meet my father's eyes.

"Your mother needs you downstairs."

"I should get going I'll see you later." Jordon smiled at me and made his way to the door my father watched his every move.

"Downstairs now."

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