Chapter 18

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We don't talk on the way there but it's not awkward or anything. It's actually rather nice. When we get to the grounds he parks in the parking lot by the inside arena and stalls. We both hop out and I follow him inside. We walk towards the stalls and I see a beautiful brown and white appaloosa standing in the stall. Jordan goes up to him and I guess this is his new horse. He is Gorgeous.

"His name is Prince." Jordan says. "Princess is getting old so I thought I would buy a new horse to start training throughout this season so he will be ready for next season and I can retire Princess into a nice green pasture which of course is what she deserves." 

I nod while opening up the gate to check on Prince. He is in perfect condition. Jordan tells me he is about 2.5 years old.

"How about we see how well he rides?" I offer.

He nods and walks away to go get his tack. I attach a lead rope to his halter tie him up outside of his stall and grab a brush to quickly brush him down. When Jordan comes back I'm finished brushing Prince and so he saddles him up. Walk prince out to a round pen and lunge him for about 10 minutes before Jordan rides him.

"You sure you don't want to ride him?" 

"As lovely as that offer is I'll have to pass." I smile at him riding Prince around. I got to be honest, he does not look half bad on a horse.


As we walk back inside to put Prince up I hear Dr.Marshall talking down the hall towards the stalls. Jordan is heading towards where they are talking but I hear an oddly familiar voice that I can't quite tell where I have heard it. We walk towards them and I see Dr.Marshall standing in front of Phoenix's stall with a tall muscular guy with almost the exact hair color as mine. I stop walking and just stare.

"Ash everything okay?" Jordan asks.

That gets the man who is standing by my horse's attention and he looks over at me. He gives me a sad and cautious smile before speaking.

"Hey, sis."

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