Chapter 29

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My eyes flutter open as I see light shining on my face from the crack in Lizz's curtains. Lizz is wrapped up in a ball her head resting in my lap. A plate of scones sitting across from us. Two notes stuck to the platter. I managed to lean over and grab the one that had my name on it.

Dear Ashlyn,

I made your favorite type of scones without even knowing you were here, guess I truly have a motherly instinct. It was nice seeing you even though you were asleep on my daughter's floor. You need to come by more I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. Anyways I messaged your mom telling her you were here after she told me she didn't even know you left the house I said Lizz needed your help. Hopefully, I got you out of trouble, enjoy these homemade scones and jam.

Love, Your Favorite Adoptive Parent

The smell of freshly made scones filled the bedroom. I looked down at Lizz her eyes still puffy but her face looked so calm and honestly gorgeous even with her tear-stained cheeks. I think back on our conversation last night. Me having a complete mental breakdown and ranting about how crappy of a friend I have been and how I talked to an idiot guy before I talked to my best friend then she started crying in response and telling me she was sorry for not knowing how I have been feeling and how she should have tried harder then it had just been a whole crying party of saying how we were sorry for not being there for each other and not knowing how the other one felt. We never came to a proper conclusion to that conversation but I hope we never do.

I feel Lizz start to stir awake and I give her a small smile as she lifts herself out of my lap. She spots the tray of scones and takes one and shoves it into her mouth then grabs the letter. As she reads her letter I make my way to her dresser and pull out a pair of boot cuts jeans. I turn to look at her and not even thinking I ask,

"Are my boots still in your closet?"

As if no time has passed in me talking she answers, "Should be on the top shelf or maybe the bottom, you might want to look on the middle as well."

I give a small laugh before looking for my boots. Along with my boots, I find one of my old belts with one of the buckles I won from an old rodeo I did. I also steal a flannel and black tank top before making my way to her bathroom changing and seeing how awful I looked.

I looked like crap.

No, I looked like road kill actually.

Walking out of her bathroom it's like she knew what I was thinking.

"Dont worry we will look like road kill together." she says walking in as I walked past.

I sat on her bed slipped on my boots and checked the time on my phone. Along with the fact we will be late to school, I had a total of 67 missed phone calls and 87 unread text messages. Crap.

Jordan had texted me multiple times asking if I needed a ride still then asking if I was up then asking if I am alive. I shot back with "yes" as my response. I followed up with also messaging mom who left about 20 messages. I then responded to Tristian Telling him "yes" to almost the exact same questions Jordan asked.

"Okay, 2 things one I look a lot better than you do two I have like 50 text messages from the guys." Lizz says walking out of her bathroom.

I laugh before saying "Ouch and same."

We walk out of Lizz's room her grabbing her bag on her way out, my bag was sitting on the dining room table with a note saying "You might need this- Love both moms" I grab it as we walk out the door.

"So whose truck are we taking?" Lizz questions.

I don't respond and just walk to mine. She makes an overly dramatic sigh but follows me anyways. We both slide into the truck and Lizz watches me pull out of her driveway.

"So when are you going to take on your next demon?" She asks looking both curious and worried.

"I have yet to have to cross that bridge."

"It's more of a mounting block than a bridge."

So I was going to avoid putting author notes on this book but I want to say I am trying to get back to a schedule on updating because for the most part my life has mellowed out for a bit. I had marching band happening and we were competing at BOA this season so it was stressful. Now I have OAP to survive and some livestock shows but for the most part I am free to write so yay.

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