Chapter 41

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"Hey, loser, what's up?" Lizz's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, her casual demeanor bringing a small smile to my face.

I turned to see her standing there, her hair a mess in its signature bun, wearing her usual HeyDudes and jeans. She eyed me and the saddled-up horse behind me with a hint of curiosity.

"No, I'm not riding him. I don't feel like dying today," she joked, stopping a few feet away from me.

"I wasn't going to ask you to ride him. I am. I just need you to stand there and make sure I don't get killed." I replied with a chuckle, already walking Phoenix into the arena.

As I led him to the mounting block, I could feel my nerves creeping up. I knew Phoenix could sense it too, but I tried my best to push those feelings aside.

"We've got this, boy. Just a couple of laps, just like when I lunge you. We'll be fine," I reassured him as I hoisted myself into the saddle. It took a moment to find my balance, but soon enough, I felt secure in the seat.

Lizz stood at the fence, watching me intently. I could tell she was keeping a close eye on us, ready to step in if anything went wrong.

I tapped Phoenix's side gently, and he began to walk. He was a bit antsy, hesitating with each step, but I trusted him to find his rhythm.

As we fell into a steady stride, I allowed myself to relax, letting my hands give more slack in the reins. Phoenix knew what he was doing, and I knew he would never intentionally hurt me.

I allowed him to pick up pace as we fell into a steady stride, I let myself relax in the seat, and my hands allowed more give in the reins. I knew he knew what he was doing, he would never purposefully hurt me. So I let him do his thing. He needed this way more than I did, he needed to know I trusted him.

After a few more laps I brought him to a stop and looked over at Lizz, she was smiling. She made her way over to us and grabbed his reins as I dismounted.

"Look at y'all go, you'll be back to competing in no time." She says it with a smile while rubbing his neck.

"What if I dont want to go back?"

She looked at me confused and questioning, and with that pitiful look in her eyes, I know she didn't mean to have it but she did.

"Would it be that awful if I didn't return to competing? I mean how do I know he wants to compete again, not to mention having to trailer him back and forth, I just... I dont know, I haven't exactly missed it recently, shouldn't I be missing it?"

"Ash, you can't be serious, you love jumping, and he loves jumping just give it time okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. I'm going to go put him in his stall."

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