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Heaven help a fool who falls in love.

So Heaven help me. I feel like that girl in grade 7 again.

"Liv, we've known each other since Kindergarten. And we've been friends too. So, will you, Olivia the great, go on a date with me?" 

"Why not?"

"Hey Liv, wanna go out to dinner with me? I have reservations but Nick cancelled on me," Ryland spoke as he walked into my room.

"Sure," I got up and picked up a crop top, slipping it on. We drove to Saddle, sat down, and ordered steaks. We began talking, joking about everything. 

"And then, I'll kill you!" Ryland chuckled after making a joke about killing Alex and me.

"Please do!" I joked back. We continued eating, talking, and laughing which led the whole restaurant to stare at us. We chatted for a while and I started to realize how similar we were. I smiled with every word he spoke realizing how much I liked him already. After we finished, we went to the beach nearby. I took off my heels and ran through the sand with my bare feet as Ryland chased me. I finally stopped by the ocean and sat down on the sand. Ryland caught up to me and sat next to me.

"Why do you run so fast?" He asked.

"I don't know," I responded, letting out a soft smile. He smiled and turned my head so that I was facing him. He pressed his lips against mine, giving me a soft kiss. I hesitated but then gave in. I pulled away after about a minute or 2. He stared into my eyes and put his hand around my right thigh. I picked it up and wrapped it around my waist. He smiled at me softly as a small wave crossed my feet. 

The moment was like a bliss that just kept going. Ryland was the only person on my mind at the moment. My eyes were glued to his, my smile plastered on my face. I gripped his hand tightly, never wanting to let go.

Plan B ~ Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now