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I sat on the couch, scrolling through Instagram. Thomas stumbled through the door, a beer bottle in his hand.

"Thomas," I got up and walked over to him, helping his hunching body up. He grabbed onto my chin, shoving me into the wall roughly. 

"Little bitch," He mumbled. 

"Thomas?" I questioned as his hand wrapped around my throat. 

"I spent 3 years crying over you, begging myself not to date again, and here you are," His voice was deep, the drunkness showing. He slammed the beer bottle against the wall near my head, making me flinch. "Is the slut scared?"

"Th-omas," His grip on my neck tightened, bruises most likely covering my neck. 

"Oh, my little slut is scared. Do you know how many nightmares I had because of you? When you left 7 months ago, I had nightmares of you being kidnapped, tortured, raped, and sometimes killed. And you're scared of this little thing," He held up the broken bottle. 

"Th-om-as, plea-se," My breath began to hitch. I clawed at his hand, earning a tighter grip. My vision began to become blurry. I felt him let go of my neck and walk to the couch. 

"Go get me a drink, slut," He demanded. I got up, running to the hotel bedroom. I locked the door, sliding onto my knees. Tears flooded my eyes as I rubbed my neck. 

Plan B ~ Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now