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Newsflash: I've never actually been to a concert before cuz my parents are strict so this is my imagination. Please correct me if I did anything wrong. Also I'm a huge Maneskin fan.

January 20th, 2020

"Ready?" Thomas asked as we walked to our spots. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," I responded. We stood in place, waiting for the concert to begin. The first song they played was Chosen. I danced with Thomas through out the song, stealing strokes of certain places here and there. A soft moan left my lips when he stroked my cunt. I slapped my hand over my mouth, causing a few people to stare at us. Thomas smirked, going back to dancing.

The concert ended after and hour or two. Thomas and I exited the hall, drove home, and sat in his room. He was leaning against the headboard, my head on his chest. His arms were wrapped tightly around me as I drew little circles on his chest.

Neither of us spoke. We just laid there in each other's arms, never wanting to let go. I kept my eyes wide open, trying to fit this in my good memories with Thomas. A tear formed, flew down onto Thomas's shirt, and caused a wet stain. This caught Thomas's attention.

He moved my head off his chest so that he could stare into my eyes. 

"Crying isn't good for those pretty eyes," He pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"Pretty?" I raised an eyebrow.

"They've always been gorgeous. And you don't know how long I waited to see them. How long I couldn't breathe without them. How much I urged to see them. How much I cried without-" I slammed my hand onto his mouth, my eyes flooding with tears.

"Never say anything like that," I spoke sternly. "You don't know how much I missed you. How long I tried to convince myself that you were coming back. How long I cried, hoping my tears could bring you back. How much I begged my mom to let me go to LA in hope that one day, you'll find me, you'll love me again, and you'll never leave me."

His hand moved upwards, taking my hand off his mouth. 

"When Alex contacted me and told me I was coming to LA, I cried. I cried at the thought of you. I cried knowing you were there and that we would meet again. I couldn't believe it. And here I am, living with you, laying in your arms, trying to forget we had lives together. Trying to forget our hearts were once one. Trying to forget everything. And yet, I couldn't. I tried to tell myself that I didn't want you anymore and yet, I'm laying in your arms, crying to you. I'm sorry," Tears flowed down my cheeks, falling onto my top. 

"I should be sorry. I left you there. All alone. I should've stayed. I should've been the shoulder you cried on. I should've been the person to wipe your cheeks, feed you ice cream, give you flowers every day, and be the one you love you. You tried to forget, I tried to remember. I tried to keep every memory in my head. I tried to figure out how I felt. I never dated again because I knew no one was as good as you. No one would ever be," He pressed his forehead to mine. "I'm sorry."

"THOMAS!" Someone slammed the door open.

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