9. Life is Ours, We Live it Our Way

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I follow Kirk in to the recording room and the rest of the band are sitting on the leather couch.
James looks down and notices the guitar in my hand and smiles.
"Is Kirk teaching you the song today?" He asks excitedly.
"Yeah but I heard it's one of your hardest songs to play" I reply.
"You'll pick it up quickly because it's me who is teaching you", Kirk interrupts.
I don't know why but the way he said that turned me on.
I take a seat and Kirk sits down on the spinny chair across from me. The rest of the guys recheck the set lists for each show, apart from Lars who is leaning against his chair with his hands behind his head. He listens intently as Kirk teaches me the intro to Nothing Else Matters.
"Don't worry about it being too hard, it's like any song you start to learn, it's difficult until it becomes muscle memory".
I breathe in nervously, feeling slightly distracted by Lars watching me.
Kirk plays the opening of the song first, allowing me to watch his fingers slide up and down the frets.
He looks so gorgeous sitting there. His hair has been getting longer but not long enough to be touching his shoulders yet. One single curl falls flawlessly in front of his face as he plucks the strings. He's so fucking hot.
"So it's your thumb to pluck the E string, your index finger for G and your other fingers on B and high G" Kirk says, talking me through as he plays slowly on his guitar.
I quickly bring myself back to focus after feeling distracted by his gorgeous face.
"That's good, well done", he praises me.
"Okay, in this part you do a quick riff and slide your index finger up to the third fret" he replies, showing me again but I fail.
"That's really difficult" I say, screwing my face up in disappointment.
"You're playing it too quick for her", Lars says.
"Can you make yourself useful and go through the set list with the guys, you're distracting her man" Kirk says, spinning around to face him.
"Dude sorry" Lars replies dramatically, holding his arms up in surrender.
I finally get the riff after 15 minutes, it's not perfect but it's a start.
"Okay this next one you gotta stretch your finger all the way over to the second fret while your other fingers are on the third and fourth" he says as he plays the chords slowly.
"That's such a stretch, how do you do that?" I say, getting aggravated.
He gets up and leans over behind me, taking my finger in his hand and helping me stretch it across the frets.
I'm getting so wet just from the smell of his collonge and feeling his hot breath on the back of my neck as he hovers over me.
I play the chords once I get my fingers in position.
"Well done" He says proudly.
I like hearing him praise me, I feel like I pleased him. I would be on my knees for him right now sucking him off just to hear him praise me more, only if it weren't for the rest of the guys in the room.
"Blake, we want you to have the honour to close each show with the song" James says, looking up at me from the set list.
"That would be so incredible, I'd love to", I say turning around to face him.
"We made some changes to the set list for the show in Atlanta. We need to go and rehearse it", James adds.
"Why don't you practice some more Blake and I'll be back in 5 minutes" says Kirk, before getting up with the band to leave the room.

My fingers are sore from playing guitar so I decide to take a break.
I start to get bored as I stare blankly through the window and in to the room in front of me. The microphone suddenly catches my eye with some headphones hanging behind it.
I've always fantasised about singing into one of those mics, imagining myself recording my own song. With no one around, this would be the perfect opportunity for me to take.
I look reluctantly at the door hoping the guys won't walk in to hear me screeching my head off as I sing.
I go in to the room and walk over to the mic, taking the headphones off the stand and putting them on my ears.
I start to sing an acapella of Nothing Else Matters, "So close no matter how far, couldn't be much more from the heart".
I feel myself drifting off into the song, almost forgetting where I am.
"Forever trust in who you are and nothing else matters".

I close my eyes, imagining myself standing on stage in front of thousands of people. I don't picture the band with me, it's only me by myself singing my heart out as the crowd screams my name.
Not even realising it in the moment, but Kirk walks in to the room, finding me on the other side of the glass. He smiles and stares in at me singing.
He turns on the volume button on the mixer, allowing my voice to be amplified through the speakers in the next room.
"Never opened myself this way, life is ours we live it our way".
He stares in at me speechless as I sing with my eyes closed, losing myself in the lyrics. The rest of the band walks in to the room and stop suddenly at the sight of me. They stand and listen intently, not believing what they're hearing.
"That's some girl" Lars says, leaning over to Kirk.
"I know" he says softly to himself, not taking his eyes off me.
"And I find in you, everyday for us something new".

The song comes to an end when all of a sudden I hear clapping fill my headphones. I jump and open my eyes to find the guys staring in at me. I feel my face burning up as Kirk speaks into the tiny microphone in front of him.
"You always surprise me Blake" he says, staring into my soul with those dark brown eyes of his.
"Your voice is amazing, why did you never mention that you can sing?" Jason adds.
I shrug my shoulders like a child and blush hard.
"You need to take over my vocals and sing the whole song" James says.
"I couldn't do that to you James, I'm already supposed to play guitar".
"Why not both?" Kirk suggests smiling at me, as his dimple deepens in his cheek.
"But it's your song, I can't do that to your fans".
"WE want you to sing it Blake", James answers.
Kirk stares intensely at me as though he is trying to encourage me with his eyes.
"Okay", I say upon Kirk's gaze, feeling even more nervous about it than I was before.

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