17. Hard Rock Stadium

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I wake up in my hotel room with my head spliting in two and feeling like I could throw up my internal organs. I turn my head and look over to see Kirk sleeping next to me. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles up at me.
"Good morning", he says.
I widen my eyes from seeing him laying next to me with no memory of what happened last night.
"Did we?"
"Oh no no, you were blacked out drunk last night at the beach. Don't you remember what you done?" He asks, looking up at me with a smirk.
"You really don't remember anything?"
I stare at him blankly, trying to gather any memory that I could have from last night.
"You gave me a lap dance", he replies.
"Yeah, you started stripping in front of me and then you twerked".
I stare at him with my eyes wide in disbelief.
"I'm just kidding, you should see your face", he says laughing and I playfully hit him on the arm.
"How did I get up here?"
"I carried you up and I stayed because I wanted to make sure you were okay. You were throwing up most of the night", he replies.
"Oh" I reply blushing, feeling slightly embarrassed.
I suddenly feel hot all over my body and my stomach turns. I quickly get up from the bed and run in to the bathroom. I fall down on my knees and puke violently in to the toilet as my back arches and falls with each gag. My eyes start to water and Kirk rushes in, holding my hair back until I stop puking. I grip on to the edge of the toilet seat, sitting on the cold hard tiles as Kirk leans down and dabs a wet cloth over my face.
"You really can't handle your alcohol", he says as he continues to dab the cold cloth on my skin.
"Are still okay with coming to watch me perform tonight?" He asks.
"Yeah, I don't want to miss seeing you", I reply.
He stares at me and smiles gently.
"Why don't get a cold shower and I'll order room service. You need to eat something".
I nod and he gets up to leave the room

I climb out of the shower and grab the towel from the rack. I quickly dry myself off and wrap it around my body before making my way out of the bathroom.
"Thanks", Kirk says to the butler as he rolls the cart in to the room before shutting the door behind him.
I sit down on the bed and Kirk moves the cart over to me before pouring me a glass of orange juice.
"I feel bad", I say as I take the glass from his hand.
"What are you talking about?" He asks, as he sits next to me on the bed.
I stare over at him for a moment with the glass in my hand while the other holds on to the towel trying to protect my modesty.
"You always look after me", I say finally.
His eyes stare into mine and a gentle smile forms in the corner of his mouth, though he tries to hide it.
"My mother raised me right I guess", he replies.
"No I'm serious, you've done so much for me since the day we first met. When my van broke down, when you let me stay in your house, when I got locked out of my own hotel room, you even gave me a new guitar and now yo-", I can't even finish my sentence as he stares into my eyes with such intensity.
I think James was right when he told me that day on the bus that I just don't realise how much Kirk is in love with me.
He stares at me for a moment longer before slowly bringing up his hand to brush away the wet hair strand that falls in front of my face.
"Eat" he says with a gentle smile, before getting up to leave the hotel room.

A few hours later, we arrive at the Hard Rock Stadium. I sit with Kirk in his dressing room as Cassandra does his makeup. I'm starting to like Cassandra. She says that we should have a girly night some time and I agree. It's nice having a friendly female face around considering I've been with the guys for weeks now. I've never had a best friend before and it seems like fun.
"That's your makeup done Kirk, your clothes are on the rack", Cassandra says as she closes her makeup box.
She walks over to me and subtly grabs my arm, leading me out of the room before shutting the door behind her.
"Are you kidding me girl?" She says suddenly.
"What?" I ask, looking at her confused.
"Didn't you see the way he was looking at you? I could literally smell the sexual tension in there", she replies.
"I-I know", I stutter awkwardly.
"Well? Why aren't you two having sex?"
I look at her, surprised at how direct she is.
"We've had a few moments where it felt like it was leading to that but-"
"But you didn't do it, either because you were interrupted or you stopped it yourself", she answers before I can and I blush.
"Don't tell me you're a virgin".
"What? N-no, of course not", I reply awkwardly and she gasps.
"You're a virgin".
I sigh.
"Look, let's just go back inside I think Kirk is done now", I say as she blocks my way to the door.
"Listen, me and you are going to have a girl's night, go out to clubs and get really drunk and we're going to be best friends. As my best friend, you're going to tell what is going on with you and Kirk because-", before she can finish her sentence, Kirk opens the door.
"Kirk what?" He asks, doing the last button of his black, sheer shirt.
"Nothing, we were just talking about you and the band performing tonight", she answers.
"Oh, well we have a few minutes now. Lets go over to the guys, they're probably warming up now", Kirk says to me.

I follow him in to the room where the band warm up and practice before going on stage. I watch Kirk from the side. He looks so hot dressed in all black leather with his eyeliner and piercings.
"How's the riff coming along Blake?" James asks as he walks over to give me a quick squeeze.
"It's coming along okay" I reply, before looking over to Kirk and noticing the jealous look on his face.
He always hates it when James hugs me even though he knows it's completely innocent.
"We only have a few minutes to warm up, let's go through the set list quickly", James says as he walks over to grab his guitar.
I sit down and watch the band as they play, still feeling guilty that I pushed my performance back.

After 15 minutes, Peter the tour manager rushes in to the room.
"4 minutes Metallica", he says.
I follow behind the guys as they rush out in to the hall.
"Shit, I need to take a piss" Lars says, before quickly running off to the men's toilets.
"Hurry up man, you take forever to piss", Jason shouts, before joining the guys in a huddle.
"Blake" Kirk says, motioning me over.
"But I'm not performing", I reply.
"I know, but you're still here with us and you're just as important", he says looking over at me with those intense eyes again.
I smile softly at him and join in the huddle.
"Wait, wait for me!" Lars shouts, as he runs over to join the huddle with intense music starting to echo through the stadium now.
"Those guys out there want fucking metal so let's give them fucking metal. Let's shove Metallica up their asses", Kirk shouts before they release from each other.

We run through the stadium as Kirk grips on to his guitar. We eventually reach the stage, with the deafening sound of screaming fans now filling my ears.
"Are you sure you don't want to play?" He asks, looking over to me as the rest of the band runs on to the stage.
"I'm sure", I reply.
"Okay, see you in about two hours" he says, before turning round to run on to the stage.
"I'll be right here", I shout to him with a smile.
He looks over his shoulder and smiles at me before disappearing into the smokey stage.

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