29. The End of the Road

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I run out after him as he rushes down the hallway toward Cassandra and Lars' hotel room

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I run out after him as he rushes down the hallway toward Cassandra and Lars' hotel room.
"Kirk don't, please!" I shout, my voice cracking with fear. He's about to beat the shit out of him. I know it.
He rushes up to the hotel room, banging on the door with his fist and Lars opens.
"You fucking asshole!" Kirk shouts and Lars' eyes suddenly widen with fear.
"What the fuck did I do?" He says, backing away from him as Kirk makes his way in to the room.
"Are you fucking serious? You gave Blake your cocaine, why would you bring her in to your addictions you sick asshole" he yells, his hands forming into fists as veins bulge out of his neck from fury.
"Why are you being such a hypocritie? Have you forgotten that you're the one that got me in to fucking cocaine in the the first place?"
"Yeah, but I took responsibility for myself and I got help. You don't see me and James getting drunk every day and taking drugs anymore. Don't you dare try to bring Blake in to your dirty fucking lifestyle" he shouts, his neck and face turning red from anger.
"Stop protecting her Kirk! She's exactly where we were when we started to get famous and she's going to do the same shit we done. You scared she's gonna start fucking male fans just like you fucked groupies?"
His jaw clenches hard, making the jugular vein in his neck become prominent. He brings up his hard fist and shoots it out in front of him.
"Kirk, no!" I run out in front of him, grabbing his fist in my hand to stop him.
"Please, don't".
"Move away Blake" he demands, staring intensely at Lars.
I grip on to his biceps trying to hold him back from Lars. He's too strong. He releases the grip from my hands and he storms up to Lars, giving him one powerful punch to the face and Lars falls to floor.
"What the fuck?!" He shouts, laying on the floor as he looks up at him, holding on to his jaw from the pain.
"Lars!" Cassandra yells as she gets up from the bed.
"What the fuck is going on in here?" James says, as he enters the room with Jason.
"When are you going to stop your shit huh? When are you going to grow the fuck up and realise it isn't 1986 anymore huh Lars?"
Kirk shouts, towering over Lars with his fists still tightly clenched as he attempts to get to his feet.
"Kirk, calm down man", Jason says.
Kirk brings up his fist, swinging it out from behind his ear before Lars suddenly raises up his hands in defence.
"I still miss Cliff man! Okay?"
The room suddenly falls silent. Kirk pauses for a moment before slowly raising down his fist. He stares back at him as tears fill Lars' eyes.
"There I said it! I still fucking miss him...what the fuck do you want me to do? Pretend like I'm happy?"
He sits down on the edge of the bed and holds his face in his hands.
"Fuck!!" Lars screams as tears fall down his cheeks.
Kirk's eyes tear up and Lars looks back up at the guys with red, puffy eyes.
"Do you think I fucking enjoy being like this? Taking drugs? It's the only time I can feel something other than fucking depression. I-I still miss him, okay? I fucking miss him..." he says, tears streaming down his face.
Cassandra sits in the middle of the bed, staring down at the covers as she cries silently behind him. I think this is the first time I have ever seen Lars cry, that I've ever seen him be genuine. I can't help myself but stand in silence, crying with him. You can never think of the right words to say in moments like this.
Kirk slowly walks over to him and sits down next to him on the bed.
"I miss him too man" he says softly, tears rolling down his face.
James and Jason walk over and sit next to them on the bed. Cassandra moves over behind Lars and wraps her arms around him, leaning her head on his shoulder as she cries with him.
"We didn't realise you were still hurting this much" James says, trying to hold back his tears.
"Every fucking day. It hurts like hell and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we'll never see him again" Lars says, his voice shakey.
"None of us can understand it either. But he wouldn't want us crying over him Lars, we're a great fucking band and we have everything going for us. Cliff would be proud and he'd hate to see you like this", Kirk replies.
Cassandra looks down at Lars' bruised jaw and she brings up her hand to soothe it.
"Ow, shit" he says, screwing up his face from the pain.
"Man, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry", Kirk answers guiltily.
"Don't worry about it".
Cassandra goes in to the bathroom and runs cold water over a cloth before making her way back to Lars. She gently holds it up against the bruise and he takes it in his hand.
"What's a rock band without fights and arguments right?" Jason says jokingly.
"At least you weren't here to see us a few years back, we were much worse", James replies and the guys laugh.
Kirk looks back over at Lars for a moment and pulls him in for a hug.
"We're here for you man...we're always here, you know that".
"Thanks man", he replies as they pat each other on the back.

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