16. Miami

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After 5 hours of flying, we finally land in Miami. It's beautiful and tropical, with clear blue skies and scorching heat.
We get out of the plane and make our way over to another Range Rover as it pulls in next to the jet. The assistant gets out of the car and opens the door for us to get in before grabbing the luggage and putting it in to the trunk.

A few minutes later, we pull in to a 5 star hotel. We follow the bodyguards in to the lobby, staying behind Kirk as I follow him up to the desk.
"Two deluxe rooms side by side", Kirk says as he gets out his wallet.
Lately I have felt Kirk getting protective of me. Everywhere I go, which is mainly with the band, the paparazzi are never far behind. They're now flashing their cameras at me rather than the band, wondering who I am and why I'm always with them. It's making Kirk concerned over my privacy more than his own. He won't even let me sleep just two doors down from him.
Kirk hands me my room key and we make our way up to our rooms.
"Anywhere in Florida is a great place to surf", he says as we stand in the elevator.
"You surf?" I ask, looking over to him.
"Yeah, we should head down to the beach later and I could teach you".
"Sure, do the guys surf too?"
"I was thinking maybe it just be me and you", he replies.
I smile at him knowing that this will be the first time that we will be alone together since we first met in San Francisco.
"Yeah" I reply with a smile, as the doors of the elevator open.
"How does 3pm sound?" He asks, as we make our way out in to the hall.
I nod and smile shyly at him.
"Okay, I'll come by your room later" he says, smiling at me before we walk in to our rooms.

A few hours later.

I get changed into my little red bikini and throw on a white tank top and shorts before brushing out my hair. The door knocks and I slip in to my flipflops before making my way over to let Kirk in.
"You ready?" He asks, standing in a black tank top and striped swimming shorts with his surf board underneath one arm.
"Yeah, I just need to grab a few things" I reply.
I make my way over to the dresser and take the sunscreen and sunglasses before grabbing the beach towel from my suitcase. I throw it all in to my flowery handbag and we walk out of the hotel room.
As we make our way over to the elevator, I look down and notice Kirk holding a cooler in his other hand.
"What have you got in the cooler?" I ask.
"Malibu and coke, I thought we could stay down there for a while and drink later", he replies.
"Aren't people going to recognise you down at the beach?" I ask.
"I know a spot", he replies with a smirk.

After walking endlessly in the heat we reach closer to the beach.
"How much further? I feel like I'm going to pass out" I say as I follow behind him, feeling almost breathless with beads of sweat running down my forehead.
"It's not that far away, it's just down here", he replies.
We walk down a few creeky wooden steps and reach the sand. It's a secluded little beach, I'm pretty sure we're the only ones here. I set down my bag and take out my beach towel, throwing it out in front of me before placing it down on the sand.
I throw myself down exhaustedly and close my eyes, allowing my skin to soak in the heat while I catch my breath. It suddenly darkens and I open my eyes to see Kirk looking down at me.
"Come on get up, last one in to the water is a rotten egg".
"I'm tired, you made me walk for miles", I reply, spreading my arms and legs out on the beach towel.
"It wasn't that long of a walk, come on" he says, looking down at me as he takes off his black tank top.
I stare up at him as he slides his shirt over his head with his golden skin and tattoos on display.
"Come on", he says as he grabs on to my ankles, pulling me off the beach towel and on to the sand.
"Kirk! At least let me take off my clothes first" I say, trying to get my words out from laughing.
"Okay, I'll help" he says, before suddenly pulling off my shorts.
"Heyy Kirk!" I say, whilst laughing.
He walks up to me while I lay flat beneath him, his body towering over me.
"Sit up" he says, looking down at me with a smirk.
I sit up and blush instantly, trying to ignore the fact that I'm in the perfect position to be giving him a blowjob right now.
He lifts up my arms and slides my white tank top off over my head, revealing my skimpy red bikini.
He stares down at my breasts beneath him and I get butterflies in my stomach. Seeing him distracted by my breasts, I take the opportunity to slide out from beneath his legs and run down to the water before him.
"Meet you down at the water!" I shout as I run past him.
I laugh hysterically as he runs up behind me and grabs me, lifting me up before throwing me in to water.
We playfully wrestle in the water and I swim up behind him and jump on to his back. He grabs me and swings me around to face him so that my legs are wrapped around his body, gripping tightly on to my thighs.
The laughter starts to fade away and we stare into eachother's eyes, soaking wet from head to toe. I stare at his face as he holds me in his arms, watching as the water drips down from the tip of his nose and runs down his chest. His black hair looks even more curly when it's wet. He's so beautiful to me.
He stares down at my wet lips, allowing his to linger over mine for a moment.
"A-are you going to teach me to surf now?" I stutter.
"Yeah, I-I almost forgot" he replies, staring down at my lips for a moment longer before getting out of the water to grab the surf board.

After being in the water for a few long minutes, we finally get out and sit down on our beach towels. It's starting to get dark now and Kirk opens up the cooler, taking out the rum and coke.
He pours us a glass each and hands me my drink before sitting down next to me.
There is a pleasant silence between us as we sip on our Malibu. We stare out at the ocean as the waves roll in one after the other. The sun is starting to set, creating a crystal clear reflection of the sun's soft orange glow on the water.
"It's like looking out at a limitless expanse, the waves just go on forever" he says, suddenly breaking the silence.
"You look out at that and it really makes you realise that there is so many things that you can do with your life. There's no limitations, nobody can physically hold you down and stop you, only you can do that to yourself" he continues, looking over at me now with an intensity in his eyes.
I know exactly what he is referring to and he's right, I have been stopping myself. The public never stopped me from going on to that stage, it was me.
"You have it in you Blake" he says looking over at me, "you just don't realise how good you are".
I look over at him and take another sip of my Malibu. I realise now that I have been doing the complete opposite to what I set out for myself when I first took the road trip to San Francisco. I was supposed to find myself but I'm still trying to figure out where I stand.
I sigh and stare out at the ocean.
"I could never be as good as you" I reply, slurring out my words, now realising I am heavily drunk.
"Stop with the self-sabotage and no more Malibu for you" he says, taking the glass from my hand before laying back comfortably in the sand.

(Kirk's perspective)
Blake moves her way over to me, plopping her elbows in to the sand and resting her beautiful face in her palms. She's so cute when she's drunk.
"You want to know something Kirk?" She slurs.
I can't help but smile up at her as she inches her way closer to me. Her soft blonde hair that is now dry from the heat, brushes against the side of my body. She is so close to me now that I can feel her hot coconut breath on my lips.
"You have to make a pinky promise that you won't tell anyone because this is a big big big big secret" she says, holding up her pinky finger.
"I promise" I say, smiling up at her adorable face as I wrap my finger around hers.
She moves closer to my face and whispers.
"You're so great Kirk. You're soooooo amazing to me. Sooo..so amaz-" before she can even get the last word out, she passes out on my chest.
I look down at that beautiful blonde head of hers. Her delicate curls fall slowly off my chest and on to the sand. I gently stroke her hair as the smell of her sweet pea shampoo fills my nose.
I can't help but smile, it feels so perfect just be laying here with her. She's all I want. This girl deserves the world and I would give it to her in a heart beat.
I want to tell her so badly that I'm in love with her and the frustration is building stronger inside me each day. I don't how much longer I can hold it in.

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