The Nameless Place

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1-2 Existence

Sapnap pulled a book off of the shelf of the library, he wasn't entirely sure what section of the library he was in, it was easy to get lost, and he had to mark the shelves with a sharpie he found laying on the floor so he could find his way back to Karl. The book was titled 'No Longer Human,' a book written by Osamu Dazai, a book that Sapnap was dedicated to reading and finishing before his next visit with Karl. Of course, he was eager to see Karl again but he knew if he went to see him now after such a short time, he would be told off anyways for not taking enough time to think about his results from the quiz.

Denial... it made sense the longer Sapnap thought about it, he often turned away from problems with the excuse that they really weren't problems or that they weren't there. It was like a child saying 'if I can't see you, you can't see me.' Maybe Karl was right to be aggressive about it, it wasn't exactly a positive defense mechanism and often got him in more trouble than he would like to admit.

Sapnap peeled open the book and began reading, though he wasn't sure how long Karl had been here, he thought it was safe to assume Karl has read every book in the library. Or maybe people before him were the ones who left marks in the books, were there even people before him? Where exactly was he, his own mind perhaps?

Why did he feel so safe here, who was Karl and why did he look so drained of life? Many questions which would surely be answered over time, after all, Karl had somewhat promised he would tell him about this place upon visiting him again. With that thought, the raven turned back to his book to continue reading.

Sapnap finished the book in record time and even took extra time to think about the book and the quiz more. Surely by now, Karl was becoming impatient while waiting for him to process. With this in mind, Sapnap closed his book and tucked it under his arm, following the marks on the shelves back to the desk Karl occupied. 

Another question that sprung to his mind, did Karl own this library? Why did he choose these books to fill the shelves, did he write books of his own? He would have to ask Karl later.

The desk that Sapnap was all too familiar with despite only being here for a couple of days, or at least that's what it felt like, came into sight, Karl flipping through his journal behind it as always. Sapnap approached, setting his book down on the desk and waiting for Karl to speak first.

"I see you've been thinking, just as you were told."

How Karl could tell was unknown to Sapnap, but he wasn't surprised that the boy could read him so well either.

"How earnest you are. I quite like it. I suppose you've earned a reward..."

With the promise of a reward, Sapnap perked up, Karl thought he looked like a puppy.

"You're curious as to where we are, aren't you? We're... how do I put this?"

Karl set his journal down, his expression a look of deep thought as he gathered his words. Sapnap patiently waited, he was getting at least one question answered, and hopefully that would lead to his million other questions being answered too.

"This place is closed off from the outside world. It doesn't need a name. To me, that's all there is to it. Still, I'm curious... how do you perceive this place?"

Sapnap leaned back on the stool he sat on, his eyes wandering around the library. Three answers came to his mind, though when he looked at the butterflies and back to Karl's eyes, only one answer stuck out to him.

"A place to discover who I am."

After all, this was what Rex had said he would find here, himself. He would use this place to discover who he truly is, even though he didn't think he was lost to begin with. But the more time he spends here, especially when he listens to Karl, he's starting to think that maybe he really was lost all along, or perhaps the more he stays here, he's starting to lose himself.

"You aren't wrong, there are no secrets here. The identity of this place is of little importance. You are here. Now. Whether you will it or not, something lies up ahead, perhaps that is exactly why you seek reasons."

Sapnap folded his hands, Karl's words sending him deep into thought. It was comforting knowing there aren't secrets here, because it told him that the safety he feels here is real and that there wasn't anything dangerous here. Nothing would come to harm him or Karl.

"You... and I, both," Karl finished, his gaze averting and a look of confusion overcoming his features.

Karl appeared zoned out for a while, but he quickly snapped back to reality once he realized Sapnap was still here and waiting for him to continue. Sapnap was comforted by the fact that Karl could be at least a little bit vulnerable around him.

"Come back to me when you have thought more about my words, maybe indulge in a book if you'd like."

Sapnap was disappointed that he was being sent away so soon, he had more questions, and just like the stubborn boy he is, he was going to stay a moment longer as he had before, in hopes that he'd get another answer.

"Do you write?"

It wasn't exactly the most dying question he had, but it was the first one that came to mind and he felt rushed to ask before Karl gave him a weird look or got angry. Perhaps Karl would even offer him a book to read that he had written.

"I do, I write adventurous tales of the past, present, and future. Do you wish to read my work?"

Sapnap nodded eagerly, and as Karl turned to grab a worn journal to the side, he could've sworn he saw the smallest smile appear on his face, he was happy to show off his work. One of the worn journals was slid across the desk to Sapnap, the journal titled 'The Village of Greed and Anger.' Sapnap was excited to read it, picking up the journal with a newfound excitement that he didn't think he could find in this place and shooting Karl a large grin.

"I'll be sure to finish this before we talk next, thank you, Karl."

Karl gave a small smile in return, though he looked uncomfortable giving the expression Sapnap still appreciated it. With the journal hugged close to his chest, he skipped off to find a comfortable spot in the library to sit, excited to read Karl's work, and even more excited to visit him again later.

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