From Whence the World Came

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2-4 Skepticism

Sapnap finished his next book, a novella by Franz Kafka called 'The Metamorphosis.' For a while now, Sapnap has been marking pages with bookmarks in the books he has read that belong to the library that contain quotes he has taken a liking to. For this book in particular, four pages were marked with some of Karl's custom made bookmarks he had supplied the raven with. 

Before he starts on his next book, plopping down on a beanbag and reading for who knows how long, he would need to attend his next session with Karl, who awaited his arrival at the desk, although seated this time. Sapnap sat on his usual stool, Karl already beginning to speak after being alerted of his presence. 

"You asked me once what this place is. Do you remember?" Karl wondered, Sapnap only nodded in response.

"This place is closed off from the outside world, it doesn't need a name. I believe that is how I answered you. I don't know anymore, though, I thought I understood this place," Karl paused, shifting in his seat.

"I didn't question it for a fraction of a second, I didn't consider it for even a millisecond. Maybe it's strange to ask you this, but what do you think this place is for me?"

If this place was anything like it was for Sapnap, for Karl, then his next answer would surely make sense.

"A place to rediscover who you truly are."

"Re... discover? Is that even possible for me? I suppose I shouldn't overthink it, it's just as I've been telling you, your interpretation begets your story, and my interpretation begets mine," Karl breathed, his eyes staying locked on the surface of the desk.

"Yet, if that is so, then... when you're not here, I'm... I'm..." Karl tried. 

"Excuse me, I need some time alone, to think. Come see me again soon, yea?"

Sapnap tilted his head in confusion, he had only been asked one question, this was hardly a session, but he respected Karl's boundaries and was happy to go at his pace regardless. With this, he stood, giving Karl a small squeeze on the shoulder as he walked past. Karl missed him already, but he just needed time to himself, to think and process.

Just to think...

Alter Ego [Karlnap]Where stories live. Discover now