01 [E]

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Grabbing another shot from the table, I threw my head back and drank the whole beverage with no hesitation.

Some of the drink ran down my face and chest from my lack of fucks.

I was way passed my limit but I just couldn't bring myself to stop. Alcohol just had this effect on you, especially when your day- your whole life has been shit.

Now here I am, 5 hours into my day already drunk and vulnerable.

Truth to be told I just want to run away, hide myself
From the outside for a little so I can prepare myself for all the hell that is to come.

Except the owner of this bar is friends with my dad and by now, she's probably already notified him of my current state.

My head was spinning and grasped my locks with both hands to attempt to stop it but it did nothing but cause me an even stronger headache.

" fuck," I groaned, slouching down on the stool and laying my head on the marble surface in front of me.

I screwed my eyes shut.

The new position seemed to have calmed me down, and now all I want to do is sleep instead of drink.

Unfortunately not even god was on my side.

Then out of nowhere I heard humming, causing me me to fight my eyelids and keep them open entranced By the sound.

I can recognize that song anywhere.

With droopy eyes I looked around the bar, hoping to catch the culprit singing my song.

Minutes passed of utter confusion until I finally came to realize that...Shit, I've gone crazy.

I was the one humming.

I giggled to myself for no reason at all, the ugliest fucking giggle I've ever heard come out of my mouth.

This is another shit alcohol does to me, the things that seem to be pretty and attractive about me- completely become your worst nightmare.

I wanted to cry just because of that.

" Ayla."

I swear my head just popped into a whole other shape when I jumped on my spot, startled by the sudden voice.

" Ayla."

Oh fuck, I really have gone completely bonkers haven't I? I am now hearing voices.

" go away!" I slurred throwing my arms around for more affect, " l-lev m... me alone g- ghost!"

A hand was placed on my shoulder to try and calm me down but by now I'm already way out of my mind.

I can feel things too!

I felt something wet run down my cheeks and I breathed heavily through my nose and let my arms fall beside me.

Touching my cheek with one hand, my nose began to burn and my vision became cloudy.

" Ayla! it's me, Alex."

" Alex?" I sobbed, more and more ugly tears falling from my eyes.

I had no idea why I was crying, perhaps it was just the alcohol or Maybe because my life is fucking horrible and I will be sacrificed tonight by my own father.

" the one and only." I heard the sound of a stool scrapping against the floor and I cringe, coiling back.

" I know you're an emotional bitch but why the hell are you crying now?" He asked putting his arm over my shoulder.

I tried to speak but I couldn't form any understanding words. " I- I-"

My chest heaved up and down as I struggled to inhale and exhale oxygen.

There was a comfortable silence, making me feel even worse for myself.

The silence makes my thoughts go crazy, well I'm crazy in general but The doubts and insecurities are eating me alive.

I heard a tongue click, " now I'm no mind reader but something tells me this has to do with your very important test?"

I nodded subconsciously reaching to grab another shot but then I felt a sharp sting on the back of my hand.

" i- I passed it," I slurred putting my head back down on the counter, " but-but that's thats problem. I r-really don't want to um,"

I couldn't even finish my sentence, I was too intoxicated and emotionally unstable to explain.

I shouldn't be complaint about passing a test, that's practically every students goal in life but after this, I'll have a company to rule and people to boss around.

" you're already a big ass mess. We don't need another gabby hannah." Alex scolded laughing at the end of his sentence.

I made a sour face but reluctantly nodded.

Another silence, the sound of chatter around the bar echoing around the room. Until it was ended by Alex's rambling.

" I would love to have a drink myself but someone has to take you home and well I'm the only one here that actually cares about you. and you know what?" He paused, "maybe this could be good for me, Can you imagine? ' Alex woo carries the drunk daughter of Jacob Anderson out of a bar" shit stop giving me ideas."

I laughed loudly knowing he was only joking and being his normal self.

He's the light in the darkness, the one friend who always makes you feel better when something bad happens.

Normally I would like someone to empathy me, someone with non robotic emotions who cares about my well being.

Buy I love how Alex manages to distract me from the matters at hand.

And He would never use me for publicity, Alex is just as rich as me, if not more.

I would truly be doubtful if this was a just a local friend, someone of lower social status.

But then again, this is Alex, Nothing is serious when it comes to him.

His voice brought me out of my thoughts, forcing me to stare at him. I was sitting carelessly on the stool, not thinking about the possibility of falling head smack on the floor.

"ok now get up. You maybe be skinny but that doesn't mean I will carry you. Especially when I just got this new fur coat."

I looked down at his new item of clothing, not remotely surprised about (1) the Gucci logo and (2) The fact that he's bought himself something over 3k bucks again in the past week.

Rolling my eyes, I hesitantly nodded. I don't want to go home, not anytime soon but I know There's no hiding from my father.

He will send the FBI himself to look for me.

Gripping the table as hard as I could, I pushed myself out of the tall stool.

I knew I was bound to fall anytime now, especially when I have the height of a gnome and am drunk out my mind.

As predicted, I tripped over my own foot and was met with the floor seconds later, the sound of Alex struggling with something faded into the background as my eyes filled with darkness.

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