015 [E]

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2 weeks passed by dreadfully slow. I was exhausted from working 24/7 at the company. I never expected it to be so overwhelming and time conservative.

everyday I did the same thing, I woke up at 6am, I ate a quick breakfast, got lectured by my father, and drove to work. I was so used to it that I didn't even need an alarm to wake up.

My father wasn't helping the situation either. He kept breathing down my back like a leach- Telling me what is acceptable and what isn't. he repeated the same things so much that when he started speaking, I tuned out.

working at the office was simple, but took a whole lot of time. I spent 8 hours everyday either in my office or a conference room.

My employees were respectful and praised the floor I walked on and I gave them the same respect back.

I know my father didn't treat them nicely when he was the boss and I can see that the office is more lively and full of joy ever since he left.

I wish I could get rid of him like they could. I wish I could run this company on my own terms and not his.... I don't think he fully trusts me and that's why he comes to the building twice a week to check things out.

I wanted to tell him to leave and I almost came to a point where I did, but stopped myself. I guess i just have to learn to live with him being with me every second of the day.

Vince and I haven't texted or called ever since I left Los Angeles. I like to think its because we're both busy adults running very successful businesses but there's a nagging feeling in the back of my head that he forgot about me and/ or doesn't care anymore.

I'm not going to lie, I checked his socials for any sign of him, but he was as silent and as dead on there than in real life. I was upset of course,he said he'd call and text me whenever he could and maybe that whenever will never come.

I quickly shook my head of these sad thoughts and focused on the paper work in front of me. This was the 3rd file I've worked on today in a matter of 3 hours and the stack on my desk is slowly decreasing.

Alex is on his way to eat lunch with me over here at the office. He snapped at me when I suggested we should get pizza claiming that it was unhealthy and not good for our " skinny figure" I just rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration.

He said he'd get us both salad and hung up just as I was about to protest. That sneaky little bastard, just wait until he gets here.

I told my assistant to bring me a large box of Greek pizza before Alex got here. I know he's gonna flip his shit and give me a 30 minute talk on how pizza is bad.

I eyed the yummy pizza That's already on my desk, ready to me eaten. I licked my lips and resisted the urge to devour a few slices before he got here.

fuck it, i better take this opportunity now before Alex gets here and throws the whole box away. I reached towards the box and Just as I was about to open it, my office door slammed open. Alex stood there, overly dressed as usual, In a quite interesting pose.

He model walked his way into my office holding a big brown bag from his favorite place in the world; Monti's salads and more.

" please do come in," I joked sarcastically.

he just flipped his invisible hair and continued his ridiculous walk towards me. He got closer and aggressively stopped walking once he spotted the box of pizza on my desk.

He faked hurt and fixed his big brown eyes on me, " how dare you." he squeaked narrowing his eyes at me. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off of my body and sell it.

" Did I or did I not tell you that I was bringing SALAD? you're lucky I just got my nails done or else you would be done for." He scowled and set the bag of food on my desk.

" Well guess what? I don't want or like your stupid caesar salad," I grumbled
, " oh and guess what, I didn't get my nails done so I won't hesitate to knock you the fuck out," I smirked while he gasped and backed away from me.

" this is harassment, I must file a report this instant." my best friend gasped, with a disappointed shake of his head.

Then he burst out laughing.

He almost fell from how hard he was cracking up but balanced himself by holding on to the chair in front of him.

then He suddenly stopped laughing,
"seriously though! Pizza is extremely unhealthy" he scrunched up his nose and crossed his arms im front of his chest.

" I got Greek pizza," I said opening the box.

" ugh you know thats my favorite now give me a pieve," he frowned, clearly pressed that I used his favorite pizza flavor against him.

he ignored the bag of salad and practically attacked the pizza. I laughed as he took a big bite, leaving tomato sauce all over his mouth.

I grabbed myself a slice and sat back on my comfortable chair.

" so," he began, " How's it going with daddy Vince," He asked using the stupid nick name he came up with. I shrugged taking another bite so I don't have to answer.

" uh oh," he sang eyeing my slumped figure, " Did daddy Vince do something?" He questioned grabbing another slice of pizza. " No we just stopped texting. I guess were both too busy for each other." I said taking another big bite of my pizza.

He didn't look convinced, "have you tried stalking his socials?" I sheepishly nodded.

"well then leave the rest to the expert," he pulled out his phone and started tapping rather aggressively. I listened to his nails tap against the screen of his phone watching his every movement while eating my 2nd slice of pizza.

I was anxious and nervous, because I know he's a pro at stalking people and would surely find something disturbing.

He scrolled for a bit before he stopped and bit his lip. He didn't have that cocky look on his face anymore, He just stared at the screen as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

" Um does he have a sister?" he asked looking up at me. I thought about it for a second but then shook my head when I remembered he told me he didn't on one of our dates.

" well then shit," He turned his phone towards me. I took some time to take in the picture he was showing be buy my eyes My eyes widened as I processed the photograph in front of
my eyes.

it was a photo of Vince holding a girl by the waist as he whispered something in her ear.

I looked away from the picture, I felt sad and stupid all of a sudden. I actually thought that what we had was something serious, But clearly the feelings weren't mutual.

That's why he hasn't texted me, he was busy fucking that girl while I thought about him everyday.

I couldn't help but mentally curse him.

" Oh, he seems happy." I commented trying not to sound disappointed, But Alex saw right through me and pouted.
" awn boo. don't be sad, He's stupid and wasting his time with that blonde bimbo. Even though he's dramatically beautiful and looks like a god," The last part made me pout.

I gave him a ' Really' look and rolled my eyes.

" alright I'm sorry." he pouted with me, we stayed silent for a moment But then he jumped on his seat startling me.

his face quickly lightened up and his pouted turned into a smirk.

" does he follow you on Instagram?" he asked while puffing his lips out. I nodded, questioning where this was going. " Great. cause today we're going clubbing. I'm going to make you look hot and slutty and we'll post photos on everywhere for everyone, especially him to see. the man will realize what big mistake he made."

I thought about his plan for a minute. Although I wasn't in the mood to go out, I was in the mood to look sexy and shove it all over his annoyingly beautiful face.

Alex looked at me pleadingly and I just couldn't say no.
" alright, I'm in." I finally responded after thinking this through.

We both grinned at each other with knowing looks.

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