024 [E]

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We walked inside the venue that the dinner was being held at side by side with Alex trailing behind us with his date.

His date is Oliver but Vince doesn't know that his name is Oliver nor does he know He's my friend.

We gave him a fake name so for tonight, he's Zach instead of Oliver. Ever since he shopped through my phone and found that message from Oliver, he'd been very skeptical and possessive. Luckily, he didn't see what Oliver looked like.

I didn't really want Vince causing a scene in front of our guests so I'm hoping the 3 of us don't mess up the plan.

The car ride here was... comfortable but also awkward at the same time. Alex made it awkward with his dirty jokes and he kept on constantly making ship names for Vince and I.

He ended up with " vayla" which in my opinion sounds pretty nice, but I'd never tell him that.

" ah! Vince," an elderly voice boomed from behind us. I looked up at Vince and I think he knew exactly who it was.

I can also tell he isn't very happy about the man talking him.

We turned around to meet the mysterious man. He was short, skinny, and at he at least had hair. He'd about my height if I didn't have these heels on.

" Chris," Vince greeted, trying his best to be nice. The shortie just nodded at him in a mocking way.

Soon after The man- Chris- fixed his eyes on me and they went from a dark brown color to a lighter brown as he took in my appearance.

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, suddenly feeling less comfortable as he continued to rank his eyes up and down my body.

" my eyes are up here little man," I snapped, having enough of his creepy staring.

He snapped his neck up to me and scowled. " I'm not that short!" He cried, putting his hands out in a pleading manner and stomped away muttering some bad words.

I stifled a laugh as he disappeared into the crowd of people. from next to me, Vince was trying to hold back his own laugh too.

" who was he?" I finally broke the humorous silence to ask. They both seemed very annoyed at each other and the little man was trying desperately to snap something inside of Vince.

Vince just shrugged and looked down at me, " just some business partner of mine who I don't like very much," I nodded and pulled my eyes away from his beautiful ones.

" well, let's get going to meeting some guests and then beginning the fundraiser." He took my arm in his and pulled me away from our previous spot.

" hey, where did Alex go?" I wondered, finally noticing that he wasn't with us anymore.

" oh he left with the Zach guy as soon as we walked in," he responded keeping his eyes In front him. I nodded even though he couldn't see me, and tried to keep up with his long strides.

It was 9pm sharp when the guests started leaving.

Tonight, we managed to keep up a happy facade and if i have to say, we were pretty damn good hosts too.

We also managed to raise up to 68 million dollars which will be split into 4 amounts.

1/4 of it will go to the homes less Shelter. 2/4 of It will go to kids with cancer, 3/4 will go to people in countries of Africa, and the last portion will go to medical facilites for equipment.

Me and Vince we're both very hyped about making that much money and actually behind able to donate it to those in need.

It felt good to do something good for the world for once, but I'm sure Vince has done it a couple of times before.

Alex and " Zach" mostly kept to each other and for once, Alex didn't make a scene. It was actually pretty strange seeing him sitting and silently talking to people.

And by " people" I mean muscular and young men in suits, which I have no doubt that he was saying dirty things to them That resulted in all 7 of them running away with a look of horror in their faces.

Right now, Vince and I were at the entrance of the venue saying our goodbyes to some of the guests that stayed around a little longer.

The little man from earlier hasn't made another appearance, or at least not to us. I'm guessing he's still a little mad at me for calling him " little" but I just couldn't help myself.

" hello Ayla, I haven't gotten the chance to say a proper hello." Someone said and the voice sounded familiar for some reason.

God, It sounded awfully if familiar but I just couldn't exactly point my finger at it.

Soon, the guy emerged from wherever he was and stopped in front of me.
"Jacob," I gasped in shock.
He smirked satisfied with the fact that he caught me off guard.

" the one and only, how are you doing Ayles" he said using the Nickname I used to adore 7 years ago.

Jacob Sillinginy was my high school sweetheart. It's like any other cliche story, he was the quarter back and I was the head cheerleader.

We met, caught feelings, slept together and then ended up dating for 4 years, we broke up In my 2nd year of collage when I found him cheating on me.

" I'm fine Jacob, how about you." I asked, faking a smile while he pulled me in for an awkward hug.

" oh I'm great now that I've finally met the boss woman." He winked at me, Something he used to do a lot back in high school.

It used to turn me on then but now I'm just disgusted by it.

Just then, I felt a presence next to me and an arm wrapping protectively around my waist.

" hey babe," Vince said kissing the side of my head. My eyes widened at the unexpected gesture. His touch sent shock through my body, that had happened every time he touched me and it was starting to scare me.

I quickly relocated myself and played along with him. " hey" I smiled up at him and for some reason,the smile wasn't fake- it was real.

He returned the smile before turning towards Jacob who had a look of shock on his face.

" Hello, Im afraid we haven't met before." Vince said extending his hand out for a hand shake.

When Jacob realized that both of our attention were on him, he blushed and shook Vince's hand. "N- no we have n-not," he stuttered.

I silently watched the scene unfolding in front of me. Vince looked as intimidating and confident as ever while Jacob looked about ready to jump off a cliff.

They talked to one another mostly about business while I stood back and looked around my surroundings.

Everyone seemed pretty happy, they were conversing with each other with big smiles on their faces.

" W- well uh Ayla, I will see you around." I turned towards Jacob and smiled. " Alright, have a good night." I said as he stumbled away with a small wave.

" well he's nice," Vince said with a grin, satisfied with the reaction he got from Jacob.

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