017 [E]

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After hours of constant hair pulling, getting yelled at, and my face being painted. We were done.

Alex went a little overboard with this whole thing. He was so serious while doing my makeup that if I moved an inch or accident blinked while he was applying mascara, he would snap.

But I have to say, I look good. I barely recognized myself when I looked into the mirror.

Alex is skilled, I'm not sure why he doesn't wear much makeup. I can't even apply the basic things while he was over here, applying all sorts of eyeshadow on my eye lids.

And don't even get me started on the hair. It was 45 minutes of him pulling it, calling me dramatic when i yelled in pain, when he literally using his heavy hands on my hair.

My scalp hurt at the constant aggressive pulls he couldn't seem to control.

After he was done with my makeup and hair, I sat down on my bed while I waited for him to finish his.

I had on a black and silver Sequin halter mini dress. The dress complimented my curvaceous figure perfectly and I have to say, it feels amazing.

I feel sexy and powerful, which is a combination of things I don't often feel.

I was putting on my heels just as Alex finished getting ready. I stared at him with wide eyes as he emerged from the bathroom.

" I know you practically killed me a few hours ago but You look fire," I complimented him while checking him up and down.

" please, look at yourself! a whole meal," he teased while also checking me out.

" this was all you to be honest, If I didn't let you do my makeup, I would've looked like trash." I conceded while scoffing.

He shrugged while running a hand over his hair.

" Alright gather up, Time to take the photos!" He sang while pulling out his iPhone.

I grinned while I cautiously walked towards his model like figure.

He griped my arms and pushed me against the wall.

" damn, might as well just kill me," He rolled his eyes while he tapped on his phone- probably getting the camera ready.

" Alright Make a pose, a sexy one, please don't be awkward " he said while lifting up his phone to a certain position.

I tried my best to look sexy like the told me to and I sincerely hoped I didn't look like a twat because I really felt like one.

"That's right show that asshat what he could've had," he cheered making me get all flustered.

Next, we switched spots and I took a few photos of him because while today's plans were because of me- he was still serving.

"Hold up let's get one of us together," he beamed and out of nowhere- I swear he pulled it out of his ass- he grabbed a tripod and quickly adjusted his phone on it.

" what-" I began ready to question him but he just shushed me and posed next to me after setting it up.

" ok first were doing a hot one," I did as I was told, again, probably looking like a twat.

" then a happy one," I smiled at the camera while he leaned into me laughing rather dramatically.

I bit back a laugh at his stupid pose.

" alright bitch, We'll post these on our instas and we're going," my phone beeped from across the room and I trotted to if, trying my best not to fall on my face.

He sent the 3 pictures he took of me, including the 2 we took together.

I quickly saved them to my camera roll and opened up the instagram app.

I added a few filters to make it look a little cooler. Don't worry I showed Alex fo make sure it didn't look ugly and that I wasn't being delusional thinking it looked good.

I bit my lip as I pressed the words,
"post" at the top on the screen.

Not even 3 seconds later, my phone starting beeping with notifications.

*liked by TheeVinceMilbourne*

" okay, lets hit the road," I stood up and followed him with a big stupid smile plastered on my face.


We sauntered into the packed place that reeked of alcohol and sweaty bodies that sexually rubbed against each other.

A few male Eyes turned to us, shamelessly traveled up and down our bodies.

so many attractive men here and only one caught my attention.

He was hot. His black hair settled perfect at the top of his head.

his sharp jawline and slight stubble was a beautiful addition to what was already perfection.

I licked my lips debated over wether or not I should go talk to him. All my thoughts went out the window when his eyes met mine.

His eyes were a bright shade of green and it complimented his chocolate like skin. I felt myself drool at the not so holy sight in front of me.

Alex gave me a knowing looked and smirked.

" got talk to him Get that dick." hd slapped my ass making me jerk forward. I looked back at him with a glare but it soon formed into a seductive look as I approached the handsome guy.

" hey," I said leaning against the counter of the bar trying to seem sexy.

His eyes ranked over my body once again before his beautiful eyes connected with mine.

" hello gorgeous," He purred while taking a sip of his drink, he didn't take his eyes off of my face as he did so.

I literally swooned at his accent.

" what's your name," I asked in a low voice and he smirked, placing his glass down on the bar.

" Oliver." He said while running his tongue across his bottom lip. My eyes lingered on those his delicious looking lips.

He noticed my stare and bit his lip.

" can I buy you a drink?" He asked while lifting his hand up motioning for the bartender.

" Tequila please," I smiled while sitting down on the stool next to him. He ordered my drink without hesitation and leaned back on his stool.

" so, what is your name?" he asked me while massaging his chin.

" Ayla," I answered him. My drink was placed next to me with a small thud and I grabbed it and took a slow sip off of it.

I ignored how my throat burned.

" what's a beautiful lady like you doing in such a place?" He asked trying to make small conversation. I shrugged,
" just wanted to get out of the house," I half lied.

I mean, it was partly true. The other half was because of a man we shall not think about.

He nodded with a knowing look, " I get what you're going through. My father is a pain In the ass." He complained while taking another sip of his drink.

I guess i found a guy with the same home problems as me. "Tell me about it. My father is always breathing down my back," I rolled my eyes.

We continued talking, mostly about our fathers and hard life.

Turns out he was also next on the line to run his fathers company back in Britain. He was only here in New York for business.

It shocked me how alike we were. Our problems were basically the same and it felt nice being able to relate to someone.

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