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" mum!" A high pitched girly baby voice screamed from the living room. I dropped the plate that I was washing into the sink and rushed to go see what was wrong.

Luckily, it was just a few rooms away from the kitchen, I stepped into the Living room alarmed and looked around the room.

My eyes landed on Evelyn, my 3 year old daughter on top of my 7 year old son, hitting him while trying to snatch the bunny stuffy, which was hers- that he was holding.

I sighed in irritation, " Malcolm, give your sister her toy." I said rushing towards them to pull Evelyn away from him.

It's always like this, the constant bickering and fighting over silly things, like a toy. I can sadly say they never obey or listen to me, only when their father is around.

To say that they are sort of afraid of him is an understatement. He can be a bit strict and bossy most of the times and he can also yell at them.

They learned that the hard way a few months ago when Malcolm got mad at Evelyn for going into his room and taking his toy truck.

I had to call Vince because they didn't want to listen to me, he drove here and gave them a big discipline.

Im a bit in the soft side, I let them do whatever they want when they want and they walk all over me.
They're manipulative little devils, only Vince can get through to them.

I grabbed Evelyn and lifted her off of her brother, she kept punching and kicking the air while throwing a tantrum.

I could feel a headache coming, like usual. I've never experienced this much stress in my life, I never knew becoming a mom was so difficult.

I was so exited when the first pregnancy test came back positive, I told myself I was going to be the best mom I could be and they would be my little angels.

Little did I know 7 years ago that I would give birth to a demon, And 4 years later, a little devil that can turn angelic in the blink of an eye when she wants something. But I love them with my whole heart and wouldn't trade them for the world.

They both use the puppy dog eyes on me, they know damn well those get me soft and mushy.

" STOP IT!" I yelled, I was fed up with them. I know it's normal to fight with your siblings but it shouldn't happen every second of the day.

It's tiring, I haven't slept well in such a long time. Vince has been busy with his company, leaving early in the morning and coming back at 9pm.

I understand though, I sold my company to him when I got pregnant with evelyn. The company was hectic, imagine working and taking care of a baby.

Evelyn quickly stopped crying and kicking around at the sound of my voice. I've never been this angry at them, I've never even yelled like this.

Malcom stares at me wide eyed, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. I shot a glare at him and turned away with Evelyn in my arms.

" come on Malcom." I breathed out and adjusted her in my arms. I heard shuffling and the sound of tiny but heavy footsteps behind me.

It was time for their very much needed nap, not just for them but for me. hopefully I will get some nap time for me too.

I first went to Evelyn's room to drop her off, I tucked her in the bed with her bunny and gave her a kiss.

When I got angry, it didn't last long. Maybe 5 minutes and then I was back to being nice and easy.
Sometimes I wish I could be more strict like Vince, they respect him.

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