07 [E]

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We drove to some fancy restaurant making small talk and for once, it wasn't awkward.

Although the sexual tension was there, we both tried to ignore it by asking each other questions.

I found out how old he was. Turns out he isn't old enough to be my father, Well unless he got someone pregnant at 13.

He was only 36 and I was a little shocked when he said that. I expected him to be in his 40s like my father.

I told him that I was 23 and luckily he was okay with that.

I told him about my best friends, mostly Alex because I'm way closer to him than Tara.

I've known Alex since 1st grade while I only met Tara last year. Hence why I talk to Alex way more and always call him for anything.

Vince looked mad when I told him about Alex and he was suddenly interested in knowing more about him.

He asked me if he was my boyfriend which I laughed and quickly shook my head.

He was relieved After I told him he was gay. But now I wish I didn't tell him.

Messing with him would've been pretty funny.

When we got to the restaurant, we were taken to a secluded table at the back. It was a very romantic gesture and I can only my feelings aren't one sided.

We sat down, ordered and continued to talk amongst ourselves. I learned a lot about him and he learned a whole lot about me.

I laughed a lot while he was telling me childhood stories about him and his sister.

Who knew this man had some filter?

I ordered a very simply dinner; steak, potatoes, and asparagus. It was possibly the best steak I have ever tried.

After we were done eating, he insisted to pay for the dinner which I let him but not before telling him that I was paying for the next.

I soon regretted saying that because there's probably not a "next" anything, But he still chuckled and nodded.

at least he knows to be cautious with what he says around me.

now we're back in his car driving back to the mansion.

I hoped this wasn't the end of the night for us. It was nice spending time with him. He made me feel more alive, and I know that's really cliche but it's the truth.

The last few years with my dad I felt trapped. He made me feel as If I couldn't do anything but study and make good grades.

and yet a man walks into my life and he turns tables.

Vince noticed how cold my father is to be and asked about it. I just shrugged and told him about my mother and how he changed after her death which was true.

he wasn't always this selfish.

I sighed and looked out the window. We were driving up the driveway and I was soft of disappointed.

I didn't want the night to end and I think Vince felt the same way. After he had parked the car we just sat in silence and stared ahead.

He cleared his throat and turned to face me. I was pulled of guard when he boldly grabbed my chin and pulled my face towards him.

I was breathing heavily at this point and I just stared into his eyes. They held so much emotion in them but mostly lust.

" Im going to kiss you Ayla" he whispered and stared at me for permission.

I nodded, giving him the answer he needed and that was when I ended up with his lips locked to mine.

The kiss wasn't slow or romantic, it was hungry and filled with desire. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

His tongue played with mine once I granted him access and god did it feel amazing.

I've kissed plenty of other guys and he was the best kisser of them all.

Before I knew, I was climbing on his lap and grinding my hips against his. I moaned in appreciation when I felt him growing harder under me.

His lips left him and started to make love trails from my jawline to my neck. I threw my head back in pleasure and let him do whatever he wanted to my skin

His hand traveled down to my ass and gave it a hard slap. I jerked forward with a whimper.

It was just getting good until he pulled away. He sighed and closed his eyes as he rested his forehead against mine.

I just bit my lip.

I didn't know what to say, I was still on cloud 9 and looking at his face I knew he was too.

" we should go inside" he said and I only nodded, scared that I would say the wrong thing if i opened my mouth.

I got off his lap and climbed back into the passenger seat.

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