018 [E]

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Oliver and I talked alone for a good few minutes about life until Alex popped out of nowhere to try and drag me to the dance floor.

" come on bitch. Let's get that ass moving," he cheered while trying to pull me away.

" No Alex. I'm in the middle of a conversation, are you blind?" I sighed while motioning to Oliver.

But the guy just can't take no for an answer. "don't make me drag you by the hair,"

I side glanced at Oliver, " you see what I have to deal with," I whispered for him and only him to hear.

But by the gasp that came from Alex, I think he heard it too.

Oliver laughed, " no it's fine. Go have some fun and ' get that ass moving'. " he said re phrasing Alex's words.

I gave him an apologetic look as Alex pulled me away from the bar yelling to absolutely nobody.

As soon as we hit the dance floor, me and Alex started getting it on. I twerked on him while he acted surprised behind me.

People made space for us while they stood in a circle cheering us on. Then me and Alex switched places. I grinded against his butt while he twerked on me.

We were laughing extremely hard at that point. Probably because we had too much to drink.

After 30 minutes of endless dancing, my feet started cramping so I excused myself and went back to where Oliver was sitting, watching us in amusement.

Alex Just kept dancing by himself like a lunatic but he didn't mind the reactions he was getting

I shook my head and laughed as I sat down. " That was very entertaining to watch," Oliver comment from beside me with a small chuckle.

I grinned and took a sip of my third ( maybe 6th) cup of tequila.

We started to engage in another xonversation when my phone starting going off. I ignored it at first but then it just kept ringing non stop.

I apologized to him and pulled out my phone.

My eyes widened at the name on the top of the screen. ' Vince' I was thinking wether I should ignore it or answer it.

Finally I decided not to answer it because I'm badass like that. He's not going to get another minute of my time anymore.

" come on Oliver, let's dance," I grinned while grabbing his hand. He began to protest but I didn't give him a chance to say no.

Eventually, he got up and then we walked together to where Alex was, still stupidly dancing but with a cute guy this time.

" go Alex!" I beamed and started dancing with them. I didn't care if I looked extremely unattractive at this point.

Having fun with Oliver and Alex is much more important than sleeping with someone.

Oliver eventually joined us and danced. He was kinda still but I guess it's whatever. Alex started yelling out stuff you normally wouldn't want to hear but that's Alex for you.

For the rest of the night. We danced, laughed, and screamed until our bodies couldn't take it anymore.


I opened my eyes but quickly shut them closed as the bright sun light hit my overly sensitive eyes.

I groaned and slipped my head under the pillow.

My head was pounding, my lips felt weird, and my legs felt numb. I guess I danced too much last night.

My throat was extremely dry and itchy from all the screaming but I can't manage to get up just yet. I sighed as my phone started ringing.

I wanted to scream at whoever was calling but sadly I don't have the voice or energy for that.

I was slamming my hand all over my nightstand trying to grasp my phone.
" ugh quiet it down!" Someone said from next to me. I jumped in surprise.

" Alex? What the hell," I groaned while lifting my head up. I squinted my eyes towards my night stand and finally found my obnoxious phone.

I glanced over at Alex but he was long dead before I could even ask how he got here.

" hello," I answered the phone and pressed it against my ears.

I didn't check the caller ID because my head isn't functioning and neither are my eyes.

" Ayla," my breath hitched at the familiar voice. I didn't Answer for a few seconds but quickly recollected myself.

" Mr Melbourne," I said using the title he hated me calling him by. I don't feel comfortable calling him Vince anymore.

" Ayla. What did i saw about calling me that," he growled into the phone. I just rolled my eyes and snorted.

" I don't care. I'll call you what I want," I sassed while someone on the floor groaned.

What The hell is going on?

" Ayla. Who are you talking to?" That voice... it sounded like Oliver. Am I going crazy?

" Who's that?" Vince barked into the phone. I smirked, someone is mad. Even though he has no right to be when he's with that blonde.

" Oh a guy I met last night," I gushed while sitting up on the bed. I rested my back on the headboard and listened amused as the anger radiated off of him.

" And why Is he still with you?" He questioned clearly not happy with the news.

" because I wanted him to. God he was so good last night." I Professed knowing damn well I was making him angrier by the second.

Oliver gave me a look with a raised eyebrow from the floor. I just smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

" did you fuck him?" Vince asked with a sigh. He still sounded pretty angry.

Next to me Alex stirred and let out an overly dramatic groan. " god, I feel like a rats butthole," he said fluttering his eyes open.

" and you look like one too," I giggled while pulling the phone away from my ears . He scowled and turned to face the other way, mumbling some not so nice things to himself.

" that's none of your business," I finally answered. It truly wasn't something he needed to know. Oliver and I didn't sleep together but Vince doesn't know that so I'll tell him think that we did, what can I say?im a tease.

I'm just going to give him a taste of his own medicine.

" yes It is cause you're mine," he seethed in hot anger. " no, I'm not now have a good morning!" And with that I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed with a smile of victory.

" and that's how you do it bitches," I boasted and gave myself a pat on the back. Alex just told me to shut up while Oliver gave me a not so happy look.

" he better not be some tall muscular dude Ayla. I don't wanna get this pretty face ruined." Oliver pouted, gesturing towards his face that held that small pout.

" He's very muscular," i started causing him to screech in fear. " but, don't think he'll beat you up. He lives in L.A." I wanted to promise him but i really don't know what Vince is capable of when he's jealous and angry.

" of course he will," Alex said like the truthful person he is. " Alex!" I squeaked slapping his head.

" oh god," Oliver let out a cry and stood up.

" ugh, I want to coffin to be rainbow ok?" He jumped on the bed face down, wallowing in self pity.

I stayed silent. Would Vince do something bad to him? I couldn't help but wonder. But I also don't want to find out.

He has no reason to get jealous, just like I had no reason to get jealous. But we both did.

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