028 [E]

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The doors to the building were opened by one of my bodyguards and with a nod of appreciation, I walked inside the already hectic building.

Some of my employees greeted me once they noticed my presence and they got a small smile from me because it won't hurt to be nice.

It surprises most people that their boss, correction- extremely rich boss- was nice enough to greet and respect them.

I know they're used to being ignored by my father but I would never want to be like him, and this is just a way to show that I'm serious.

" good morning Miss Anderson," Janise, the receptionist, welcomed me once she saw me approaching her station.

I gave her a pointed look, " how many times do I have to tell you that its Ayla?" I say playfully. She just blushes and nods her head, " alright, good morning A-Ayla." She spit out hesitantly but I knew she'll used to it eventually.

I smiled in victory and left to get into my private elevator. I found it dumb that there was about 7 elevators and I had to have one especially for only my body.

I made it to my floor and stepped out of the specious elevator once the doors opened with a ding. " good morning," my assistant, Collin, greeted with a small nod of his head.

Collin was a very hardworking and outgoing guy. He did everything I asked of him, on time without hesitation and I made sure to thank him every time.

" morning Collins," I waved as I passed by his desk.

I opened the doors to my office and took a step into the cool room. For some reason, my office was cooler than the rest of the building.

I want to get that checked out because I despisse the cold. This is probably my fathers idea, we maybe be blood but our tastes were completely different.

I placed my purse on my desk with a shiver and took a seat on my very comfortable leather chair.

I instantly noticed the stack of files and the amount of emails on my computer so I got started on that.

* knock* *knock*

I brought my head away from the piles of work on my desk and looked at the door.

Who could it possibly be? I specifically told Collin not to let anyone up because I'm extremely busy.

I furrowed my eyes brows, " come in." I said, loud enough for the person to hear.

The door slowly opened revealing Collin, my assistant. " I'm sorry to bother you but there's a crazy guy demanding to see you." He explained, his cheeks getting a little pink.

Hmm, who could it be that left my assistant so flustered like that.

I hum, " what does the person look like?" I ask glancing down at my desk for a second.

" w- well he's very cute," he started, making me quirk an eyebrow at him.

Does someone have a little crush?

I bit my bottom lip to stop the smile threatening to make its way onto my face.

" A- and he's dressed like a fucking pornstar," he said more to himself than to me, he looked deep in thought, probably wondering what dumbass would show up looking like that.

A person instantly came to mind once he said that.

Alex. Only Alex would show up to a business building in such an outfit.

I laughed, " send him up." I shook my head and motioned for him to leave. He nodded with wide eyes and softly closed the door.

I just forgot to tell Collin that if Alex ever asked to see me, to let him. He was the only person that I didn't mind coming to visit me.

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