032- [E]

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We ate in complete silence, with him making small talk here in there as I stared anywhere but at him.

It wasn't awkward, actually it was quite comfortable. He sat across from me, the top few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned.

I should mention that It was so hard not to stare at his toned chest that were peeking through the unbuttoned space of his shirt.

It was strange waking up still in my office with a blanket to cover up my private areas and seeing Vince.

I had expected him to leave me on the floor and leave. I guess he does have a heart after all however... maybe just a very tiny one.

" so, how are you feeling?" He asks and puts his empty box of food down.

I gulped. I was so caught up that I didn't even remember the crazy ass beating and crazy sex. My butt was still burning as expected but I was also sore in between my legs.

I shrugged and cross one leg over another, " my bottom hurts a little bit and I'm a lil sore but its bearable." I answer and also place down my empty box of food.

He nods, he looked like he was having a mind battle with himself about something.

I tilted my head to the side and stared at him. even with not knowing much about the man, I could still see that something was bothering him

I shouldn't care, but I do. I do have small feelings for him after all

" what's wrong?" I ask sitting back on the couch and pulling the blanket closer to my body.

He didn't say anything for awhile, all types of emotion running through his pretty eyes.

" I just... feel something that I'm not used to feeling." He says, making my curiosity even stronger. He's feeling something that he's not used to feeling?

What could he be feeling?

" like what?" I ask suddenly feeling Interested. He looked up at me with an odd look on his face.

" I guess I feel bad about hitting u with the belt and uh... all." He replied. I quirked an eyebrow at him, he feels about about what happened?

A warm feelings engulfed me when he kept starring at me, my cheeks were tinted pink as it made me feel self conscious.

" w- well thank you?" I asked more so than said, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to feel thankful by his statement.

I bit my lip and stared back at him as I gained a little bit of confidence .

we stared at each other for what felt like hours but it was only minutes before he cleared his throat and sat up on the chair.

" Uh I should get going..." he said and focused his eyes on the ground. He was cute when he was embarrassed.

Although he said he needed to get going, he didn't move a muscle. He kept himself seated on the uncomfortable chair that I bought.

I'm not even sure why I bought it, I think It was really just for decoration.

Feeling the need to break the awkward silence I spoke up, " hey, thanks for taking care of me. I mean... making me comfortable on the couch and you know..."

I attempted to give him a smile which he returned with smirk, " you're welcome. Although it was a tough battle, you clung to me like a monkey." He
Gloated, making me blush even harder.

I put my head down, not wanting him to see how his words effected me.

I listened to him move around the room.

" Im gonna get going," he sighed while reaching down to grab his belt, the dammed belt.

I lifted my head as my eyes followed his every movement. He looked so good right now. I wanted a repeat of what happened earlier but I'm too shy to admit it.

Shut up You whore.

I pushed my dirty thoughts aside and stood up with the blanket tightly wrapped tightly around me as I walked to my desk so I could grab my clothes and put them on.

I found my underwear that was ripped to shreds, reminding me of what happened just hours ago.

I blushed and passed by it, pretending I didn't notice.

I grabbed my bra and put it on, then my white shirt, pants and blazer. I grabbed my phone that was still on my desk and pressed on the camera.

I needed to make sure I didn't look crazy- which I did. My hair was in a big extremely messy bun at the top of my head, pieces of hair sticking out.

God, I really let him see me like this without any clue. I'm stunned that he didn't even point it out and made fun of me.

I quickly took it out of the bun and ran my free hand over my crazed hair.

pulling up the camera on my phone, I tried to make it as neat as it once was before Vince noticed what i was doing. Once i finished I shut off my phone and turned around.

I jumped on the spot when I found Him right behind me, starring right into my eyes with the same mysterious look as earlier.

I flushed and casted my head down to the floor, drawing patterns on the back of my hand.

He cleared his throat, " I'll be going now. Goodbye Ayla," he smiled and turned away, sauntering towards the door.

" hey...Vince," I called out making him stop in his tracks and turn his head back to look at me.

" thank you." I wasn't sure what I was thanking him considering I already did just awhile ago, I guess I just didn't expect time to pass by so fast.

He simply just gave me a small nod and stared at me for a bit and then turned around, proceeding towards the door.

He pulled down the knob and opened it, I watched him walk out without looking back.

The door closed with a soft click, snapping me out of my daze.

I forced myself to look away and instead stared at what was supposed to be a cozy office that suddenly was feeling a little lonely and a little cold.

I was afraid of these feelings towards Vince. I didn't want it to be more than a crush, I didn't want to fall in love with him.

He made it clear that he didn't do relationships.

It's only sex Ayla. It's only sex.

I reminded myself and sat down on my the edge of my desk.

Where he shamelessly punished and fucked me- Visions of Vince spanking, ramming into me invaded my mind and I squirmed just at the thought.

God why was I becoming so flustered all the time. I need to up my game.

It's funny how I ended up yelling at Vince about his crazy girlfriend after he teased me in the kitchen earlier today to him furiously fucking me.

His girlfriend.

My heat dropped to my stomach. His girlfriend. How could he cheat on her. How could I have let him?

" fuck." I whispered to myself in my now empty office. I feel disgusted at Vince for doing such a thing when he was already spoken for. But I felt more disgusted at myself for letting him.

I placed my hand on my hair and tugged at it.

I was stressed and I was scared.

Not only did I sleep with a guy who's already taken, but I was crushing on him. It all needed to stop, I needed to stay away from him.

He was dangerous and he had this addictive aura to him that just dragged me in closer and closer until I fell into his trap.

But I was already in too deep, too deep to just back out and forget about him.

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