034- [E]

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Slowly, while shaking in fear, I turned my body around on the stool so that I was facing him.
I gulped as I stared into his intense eyes, they looked darker than usual.

But they weren't like that out of lust, he looked furious. Why? I wasn't sure, but I know it has something to do with me.

" lord have mercy," Alex breathes out from behind me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of me.
vince answered with a simple smirk keeping his cold eyes glued to me, my body....

nevertheless I found myself starring down at my lap, our stare off quickly became too intense for me.

" I honestly forgot how intimidating you are in person. i mean don't get me wrong i've heard the stories of you going all christian grey on her but- " I slapped my hand over his mouth before he could finish.

The other mans smirk widened, no doubt patting himself in the back for being so damn sexy.

" been awhile alex. " Vince said, walking closer to the both of us. Sadly, I was sitting down so I couldn't move away from his approaching figure.

" that's me." Alex giggled, no doubt having a small panic attack inside. He was just good at hiding it from the outside.

I still couldn't find the balls to look up and face my nightmare. Thankfully, the bartender interrupted just in time, placing the 6 shots we asked for between Alex and I.


Without thinking, I swapped a glass and gulped it down in one go, I ignored the burning sensation in my throat.

Beside me, Alex also took a shot and like me, he slurped that bitch down.

I reached for another one, but my wrist was grasped My someone's hand before I could even touch it.
" I think you're good," Vince said,too too close to my ears.

" And I think i'm not so between you and I, I think my intuition is correct." I sassed, forcing a smile.

" well. I'll leave you two... alone i guess. Also, are any of your friends gay? Cause they're looking mighty fine right now." Alex spoke up, eyeing our weird encounter.

I looked at him, pleading that he stays to keep my company. Right now would be the only time that I'd appreciate Alex's dirty jokes.

He ignored me and looked at Vince, fucking traitor.
" well... my friend Bryce is pretty into guys, he's the one with the pink tie." Vince responded, pointing to the room full of good looking men.

" okay! Bye bye Ayla!" He giggled and zoomed away from us. Should I start questioning his loyalty? Did he know Vince would be here? Is this why he's leaving me?

I think there's 2 reasons why he would leave me all alone- the first half is because of extremely cute muscular guys In suits and the other half.. well he's working with Vince. The first option sounds more like him, but the second option is very much possible since he's hell bent on us being together.

I scowled and turned back towards the bar. This is just great, Vince is here, Alex left me, Oliver and Tara are nowhere to be found. Probably fucking in my car, though... I'd hope not.

" come." He says grabbing my hands and there it is The odd feeling I get by a single touch from him. I flinched and took my hand out of his grasp.

He raised an eyebrow while looking at me questionably. He extended his hand out, expecting me to put my hand in his.

And that's what I did, my nerves calmed down when I touched him, I no longer felt cold or shivers.

It's scary, how he's the only one that's ever made me feel this way. As much as I would like to forget about him- ignore him, it's impossible.

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