025 [E]

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" I guess I'll see you around," Vince said, with glint of a smile. I didn't say anything as I climbed out of the car and fixed my dress when a chilly gush of wind passed by.

I tried to bite back a smile and turned back towards him, " I don't know." I answered truthfully.

Tonight had been fun, Vince and I have loosened up towards each other and the awkward, hateful tension between us was gone, replaced by the small friendship that was slowly starting to form.

I just hoped his plan wasn't to seduce me, sleep with me and then never talk to me again.

Except this time I won't be so stupid. Im at a age where I have to learn to grow from my mistakes and build myself into someone better as I continue to make them.

What happened between Vince and I wasn't heartbreak, it was mixed feelings that I had towards him. I liked him, yes, but I was also a lonely 23 year old with major daddy issues that was denied love ever since the age of 13, when my mother died.

I guess Vince was my ticket to forget about my miserable life and maybe let myself free for once.

Yeah I had Alex and Tara but I was, and still am, looking for a relationship, or at least something that required affection.

I can't exactly explain what I wanted to be honest. It's all still a blob of mess. Having my life being planned out since birth made me the person I am today.

Maybe if I wasn't doomed to take over an overwhelming and hectic company, I wouldn't be as desperate as I am.

I shook my head of the thoughts and fixed my attention back to Vince.

He chuckled, " Ok then, goodbye miss Ayla." With a wave, he rolled up his window just as his limo started moving and driving away.

I stayed where i was, watching as his car disappeared down my long driveway and out of the gates.

It felt like some cliche romance story if I'm honest. The girl dumbly falling for the guys sweet demeanor but then getting heartbroken.

And I couldn't do anything, but hope that I truly wasn't falling for Vince Melbourne.

2 days later, I was back to answering phone calls, going to meetings and signing papers.

It's a routine for me now, I don't feel as overwhelmed as I was before. I'm slowly starting to get used to this life, even if I don't enjoy it.

Right now, I'm seated in one of the many chairs amongst many other very successful CEO's.

I felt weird Being in here, I was one of the 2 females while there was at least 9 males.

It didn't help that the only female with me was sending me dirty looks and Attitude. I don't know what's her problem, I've never met her before in my life.

I bit my tongue to try and stop myself from saying something rude and ruining my first impression to the other men in the room.

These CEO's are from all over the globe. Japan, Australia, England, Los Angeles etc... And each of them own the #1 companies in their country/ State.

This meeting was about a collaboration and developing an App. I don't know much about it because the meeting only just started 10 minutes ago, and i haven't been paying much attention.

Call me a horrible CEO, but how can I Focus when I have some bitch face glaring into the side of my head, and Vince drilling his eyes into the back of my head.

It was getting weird. I couldn't wait for this meeting to end and then confront the Snake bitch across from me.

I didn't give her any of my attention, I didn't look at her, because I'm not going to give her that satisfaction.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and focused back on Mr Amari, The one who came up with the " brilliant" Ideas and got us all together.

I nodded along and wrote down some notes as he rambled on and on about what the app is about, I also wrote down some of the suggestions other CEO's were giving out.


" thank y'all for coming to this meeting. I really hope we call all get together and Develop this app into something amazing and Successful," Mr Amari said standing up from his head chair, smiling.

Everyone else stood up and started to talk to one another, saying good bye.

I was starting to pack up my stuff when I felt a presence In the chair next to me and someone clearing their throat.

I lifted my face from the stacks of paper in front of me and turned towards the source of noise.

I almost choked when I saw who it was.

It was the salty Blonde who couldn't keep her eyes off of me during the entire meeting. I was starting to think she had a crush on me or something and was starting to get obsessed.

But then I realized that no one would look at their crush the way she was looking at me.

She looked like she wanted to squish my head and eat my liver. If I had made eye contact with her earlier, I Would've turned into stone.

" can I help you?" I asked politely as I could but I couldn't hold back the annoyed tone in my voice though.

" actually you can," her smile was as fake as her boobs but I kept quiet. " Stay away from Vince. In case you haven't gotten the hint, he's mine now." She stated leaning closer to me.

I quirked my eyebrow, " and why should I do that? You have no right to tell me or Vince what to do." I teased leaning closer to her so I could whisper.

Yeah I was trying to tick something off inside of her, but I was also mad that she thought she could tell me that I can't hang out with Vince.

" Actually I can. Vince and I are..." she began, smiling dreamily to herself, " actually I'll let him tell you. But let's not forget who he fucked when you left L.A." she smirked backing her face away from mine.

She cleared her throat and stood up, running a hand over her skirt.

I couldn't form any words as he words rung repeatedly in my head. ' let's not forget who he fucked when you left L.A."

My mind instantly went back to that photo of him and some blonde. I mentally gasped when I realized, that's her.

She's the same blonde from that picture.

My mouth opened and closed like a fish as I tried to form any words, but I couldn't.

What did she mean by when she said, ' Vince and I are... actually I'll let him tell you.'

Let Vince tell me what? My mind ranked over all of the possible things that it could be but none made sense.

I looked up, ready to interrogate her, but the spot in front of me was empty, he beautiful model like figure no longer there. she had slipped away and I didn't even notice.

I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced around the room Vince. I had so many questions. Are they together? Was he with her when we got intimate that day? Was he just fucking with me?

The seat Vince was seated on was now replaced by the air and that's when I noticed, everyone left. I'm the only one here now. I suppose that's fine, it is my building after all.

A frown etched into my face once again and thoughts of Vince and the mysterious blonde erupted my mind. was I really just someone to fuck behind his girlfriends back? I furrowed my eyebrows even further together. So during all of these days, that we hung out together, he had a girlfriend and didn't think it was a good idea to tell me?

I was starting to get mad, why? I couldn't tell you. I think a part of me wanted something to happen between us, I was actually starting to like him. I even fantasized about a world where we were together..

I laughed to myself and shook my head at how naive I am. And This is why I have trust issues.

Vince- 4

Ayla- 1

The fucker managed to play me once again...

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