012 [E]

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After Vince stoped at his office and did whatever he needed to do, we set off towards the mall.

We made small talk during the drive after I swallowed my embarrassment and calmed down from my high.

Vince looked nothing but amused while he drove which made me even more embarrassed. He was 100% not helping the situation.

The seat and the floor was still yet from the little... accident but Vince didn't seem bothered by it which is surprising.

Usually a mans biggest pet peeve is getting their car dirty- trusty me I've learned that from experience.

nonetheless vince was in a happy mood and that made me feel slightly better.

only Imagine if he had gotten mad and yelled at me...

The whole ride I kept my face pressed against the window, trying not To make any sort of contact with him.

He parked the car amongst many other cars in a parking lot and turned to me with a weird amount of enthusiasm.

"we're here."

I think he was trying to lift up the mood but it just made me want to throw myself off his big mansion.

I nodded and opened the door while keeping my head down. Once i was out, I waited patiently for Vince to follow after me.

Once he was beside me ready to go, we made our way towards the huge building.

I tried to ignore the amount of times our hands touched and the warm feeling I got from touching him.

But it didn't help that he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers together- I looked looked down at our linked hands.

Once again this felt right, it was everything i've wanted after all.

His gesture made me all soft and warm inside and I couldn't wipe the big smile off my face.


We spent hours walking around the mall, going into stores and buying a few things.

My legs were killing me but Vince just kept on going into expensive stores buying like 300 suits, Which I didn't quite understand because they all looked the same.

I will never understand men and their basic tastes.

I bought just a few things that was necessary. I needed new underwear and bra so when it was time to go into Victoria's Secret, Vince trailed behind me checking out all of the cute pieces.

He kept holding a few naughty ones up and wiggling his eyebrows. I scolded him and told him to put it back which made him pout.

I don't know why but his pout switched something inside of me as I eventually bought the underwear he was holding up.

It said " daddy" in bright red and it was one of those underwear with thin straps, a g- string, so when you put it on, it goes all the way up your ass.

And I mean UP there. It was a bit uncomfortable wearing it but Vince was getting annoying so I wore it for him.

I noticed how his eyes darkened when I came out of the dressing room. I didn't stay out there long because that string was really getting annoying.

He tried getting inside the dressing room with me but I just slammed the door on his face and listened to him mutter profanities on the other side.

And for the next few hours, we walked around, stopped by some Italian place to eat and then walked back to the car so we could go back to his house.

I have to say, I had a great time with him. Even though he was Being a pain in the ass, he made me laugh a lot.

Alex used to be the only one to make me laugh but then Vince came along.

I didn't expect him to be such a fun person, especially because he looked like a serious and intimidating guy 99% of the time I saw him.

If I wasn't me, I would surely be afraid of him.

Or maybe not. Everywhere we walked, there was a girl trying to flirt with him.

Even the waitress at the restaurant we ate at wanted his attention. She even pulled down her shirt to reveal some cleavage.

She looked stupid and I kept shooting daggers at her. Yeah i was.. jealous, i guess but when Vince didn't even spare her a glance, i felt all giddy on the inside.

I made sure to give her a little smirk as passed by her, I received a scowl in return but it didn't bother me. I just kept smiling and left with Vince's hand tangled with mine.


We drove back home in comfortable silence while I tried to ignore what happened in this car earlier today.

Vince rested his hand on my thigh which caused my heart to drop to my stomach.

I was scared of him pulling another stunt and making me spill my juices all over the car seat.

But surprisingly, he just rested his hands there.

I was feeling so many emotions at once, lust, happiness, content, you name it.

All I know is that I haven't been this happy in a very long time.

I just have this nagging feeling that something is going to go really wrong any time now.

Which brought me to that annoying question, does Vince know I'm leaving in just a few days?

I sneaked a few glances at him now and then and apparently it didn't go unnoticed by him.

" what do you keep side glancing at me for?" He asked squishing my thigh.

I bit my lip and faced him shyly

" I'm not!" I exclaimed trying to make
him seem delusional but he wasn't convinced by my facade.

" yeah sure and by the way," he leaned closer to me when we stopped at a red light and whispered," next time you want to check out someone without them knowing, know you're a terrible liar and not very sneaky at all,"

I pouted and lightly shoved him. He laughed and began to drive again once the light turned green.

I just rolled my eyes and brought my legs up and hugged them close to my chest.

I rested my cheek on my knee and watched him drive. I watched how his arm flexed every time he moved or maybe a turn.

I watched how he licked his lips when they got dry. I watched every movement he made.

Call me creepy but I was just savoring this moment since I'll be leaving very soon.

" again, staring is rude." he commented, clearly feeling my stares which proved his earlier assumptions right.

For the first time, I didn't blush or seem embarrassed at all.

" you know I'm leaving in 3 days right?" I blurted watching his face for any emotion.

But he just kept his face blank.

I'm not sure how to feel about it. Did he not care?

I couldn't help but wonder.

He sighed, " I know, But we'll find a way to make this work"

My questions were all answered by that very sentence. I was glad I wasn't just a hump and dump for him.

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