08 [E]

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For the next few days, the house was quiet and I haven't seen Vince around lately.

I ate breakfast and lunch alone.

I had to attend to a meeting earlier but that was just me and my dads lawyer.

We were taking the final step for me to take over as CEO. All I had to do was sign a few papers and everything would be mine.

Although it wasn't something I wanted, it was something I had to do. It's in my blood to run that company and i'm gonna live up to my name.

I would be lying if I said I was exited, I was far from that. I was scared, annoyed, and tired.

I haven't gotten much sleep these past few nights due to my constant thoughts of Vince, that dinner and our make out session in his car.

That night, As soon as we got out of his car and went inside the mansion, we parted ways with only a " goodnight."

I was upset after that. I let him kiss me, touch me, and mark me. But that night obviously meant nothing to him or else he wouldn't be avoiding me.

Good news is that I leave L.A this week. I would be more enthusiastic about that but once I get there, it's goodbye sleeping and having fun and hello to working.

I'd be waking up early, going to the office, doing hundredths of paper work and attending meetings.

I was overwhelmed to say the least.

If i had an older sibling I wouldn't be in this position. But I also wouldn't wish this kind of torture and pressure on anyone.

I sighed and got up from the dining table. Vince looked up at me startled and gave me puzzled eyes.

" excuse me" I didn't bother sparing him another glance before walking out of the room.

I needed to call Alex to distract myself from thinking about Vince. But knowing Alex he would be asking me about him all day...

But I called him nonetheless and waited impatiently for him to pick up.

I jumped on my bed and hid myself under the covers. He finally picked up on the 8th ring and squealed.

" What is up A, Omg you haven't called in awhile. Spill spill spill!" He demanded sitting up on his bed.

I shook my head and sighed.

I think he noticed my down mood because he narrowed his eyes at me and stuck his lips out like a fish and gave me a knowing look.

" trouble in paradise?" He asked with a bigger pout.

I nodded and by the look on his face, he wanted me to lay it out on him so I did.

By the time I was done his mouth was open in shock.

" ugh what a dick. I can't believe he just pushed you aside after letting you dry hump him," he exclaimed.

I scrunched my nose, " I didn't dry hump him" he just rolled his eyes, clearly not believing me.

" yeah and I'm straight" he snorted.


I ended the call with Alex after hours and hours of talking and like always I felt much better.

I felt less tense and overwhelmed than I was before.

I didn't just tell him about Vince, I told him about my father and the company.

He knew I didn't want to take over and he got annoyed when I told him I signed the papers.

I placed my phone down on my nightstand and started to get up from bed. I was ready for a hot bath and some wine.

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