029 [E]

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Alex left soon after confessing but the process of kicking him out was complicated.

I can't say I regret, he was being irritating. He was teasing me singing the
" Vince and Ayla Sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G." bullshit.

I completely lost it when he was done with it and threw the stapler. He left whining like child, fake crying, and falling to the floor.

I didn't even fucking touch him with my hands and the weight of the stapler isn't strong enough to knock him to the floor.

not once did I even spare him a second glance when he pretended to leave, left the door ajar on purpose and spied on me, thinking I wouldn't notice.

After giving him the middle finger, he gasped and gave me a dirty look before closing the door and finally leaving.

Just then, I could breathe normally. I didn't even notice I was holding my breath until he disappeared.

Being friends with Alex isn't easy ( obviously) he's a little chaotic but I love him.

He puts me in my place and I put him in his. It's that simple but maybe one is more complex than he other

I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths and laid back on my chair. I'm not sure what I'm feeling. Everything feels messy and my emotions are all over the place.

The sound of someone knocking caused me to bulge my eyes open. For fucks sake, I murmur to myself.

" leave Alex!" I yelled, making no attempted to move from my comfortable position on my chair.

" ouch," that didn't sound like Alex at all. The voice was deep and mainly, slightly dominating. The color drained from my face when I finally knew who it belonged to.

Fucking Vince.

Why can't I just get a damn, peaceful day to myself. There's always someone or something standing in my way.

I groaned and screwed my eyes even harder. I stayed silent for a few minutes, I want him to know that he should leave cause I'm not in the mood.

But obviously he had other plans. He opened my door and stormed inside, looking as good as ever.

Shut the fuck up.

I made a mental note to get a lock installed on that door because I can't get privacy these days. It's not hard to knock on the door and wait for an invitation.

" Ayla," my head craned to where he was standing. He looked calm, but at the same time I could see he still had so much anger inside him

It seems that he's always angry.

" yes?" I sighed, keeping my eyes on the desk. I didn't want to look at him, I was embarrassed.

He probably thinks that I'm actually in love with him when It's nothing close to love, just a stupid crush.

I repeated those words in my head so I would never forget. He's just a stupid crush...

" please Look at me when I'm speaking,"
he groaned, and luckily this room was soundproof

I heard him. I heard him very well, but I felt and heard my embarrassment more. I couldn't bring myself to look into those blue eyes of his.

He probably thinks I'm a stupid child who took our intimate moments the wrong way. Fuck. Why did I have to get feelings involved.

still I kept my head down

"please don't be difficult right now."

I gulped and closed my eyes, a shiver ran past us causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.

When I realized the room was awfully quiet, I looked up confused but my face quickly contoured into a look of shock and fright.

Vince closed the door and marched towards my visibly trembling like he was in a mission.

He gripped my chair and pulled it far from the desk, sending the chair along with me in it towards the wall.

But before it hit the wall, he grasped the chair and made it stop. I was shaking even more than before as he glanced down at me with cold, dark eyes.

The kept on getting darker by the second and anyone could see the little self control he had.

" You're asking for punishment Darling. You know I won't hesitate to smack that ass raw multiple times until it becomes my favorite shade of red." He said lowly, his face so close to my face. I could feel the heat coming from him and it made me even wetter.

Im enjoying this. I'm actually enjoying him threatening to spank me. What is wrong with me?

I managed to glance at him for a second but looked back down, feeling intimidated. I surely won't make out of this alive or better yet- walking properly.

They feeling of his fingers grabbing my chin and moving my face up to look at him made me gasp and quiver in fright. He looked beyond mad.

I knew I should have listened, why didn't I just look up? I just made the situation worse.

He squinted his eyes at me, " You never learn huh? Well luckily for you i'll be here to teach some discipline at all times." He said breathing on my face.

His breath was minty, it was refreshing. I wonder how it would feel to kiss him.

I haven't kissed him in a very long time. I clenched my hands into a fist to stop myself from letting myself do something irrational.

" Im sorry! but you know how busy I am with work." I shrugged trying not to look scared , still gazing into his dull eyes.

" you know better than to lie to my face. Stand up." he ordered and without hesitation, I stood up too quickly- poor shame I was doing so well..

Yeah I wanted to get spanked but based off of the amount of anger radiating off him, he would probably give me about 50 slaps.

What if he does it with a belt? Or worse, some objects

I froze at the idea. Would he actually spank me with something other than his hand?

I didn't have time to think about it before he spoke up, " Put your hands together behind you." He said, going around me to stand behind me.

I reluctantly locked my hands together behind my beck and awaited for his next move.

I head shuffling behind me and the sound of clothes ruffling behind me and then something being put around my hands.

It felt like some time of clothing material, like silk.

I bite my lip and strained myself from looking back, he didn't tell me to so I'm not going to.

" good girl," he said as the material was tied even harder around my hands. I whimpered when he pressed his hands go my back and pushed me down.

My chest pressed down to my desk, my legs were spread apart and my ass was out.

I was breathing heavily, I didn't know when he was going to do something so I was a little anxious. The bitting on my lip became so hard I was tasting blood.

" now," he pitched his, I heard clinking and the sound of clothes being ruffled, again.

I swallowed the lump on my throat and closed my eyes, " I was just going to spank you with my hands about 30 times," I shiver went through my body as he spoke his taunting words.

" but you were being so stubborn and disrespectful. So now you're getting 8 slaps.... with my belt"

I stopped breathing, my heart stopped beating against my rib cage... ' now you're getting 8 slaps... with my belt' the words belt run in my head over and over again.

I could tell this was going to hurt immensely.

Once again, my stubbornness got me pulled be 3 steps back after taking one step forward.

" Will you let me do as I please to you?" He asked rounding the desk to squat down on the floor in front of me.

I lifted my face from the desk and swallowed thickly.

I nodded.

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