016 [E]

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Work was finally over and done with for the most part but I can finally go home and get ready with Alex to go clubbing.

I have to say, I am pretty excited about tonight. I was getting distracted a lot while I was finishing some papers.

I just kept thinking back to that disappointing picture. I hated how I made a fool out of myself. I hated how attached I was to him.

I hate how I still think about him even after finding out he's not thinking about me. Instead he's thinking about that beautiful blonde he seemed so close with.

I ignored the pang in my chest and left my office.

Mostly everyone already left to go home. I stayed back a little longer hoping that reading contracts and shit will distract me from thinking of Vince.

I was highly mistaken because I didn't stop thinking about him once. My mind replayed all the sweet, promising things he said to me during out last few days together. it was all a fucking joke.

I got into the empty elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. I took a step back until my back hit the wall and sighed. I just want to drink my problems away and go home with a stranger.

My mind went back to the last time I said the same thing.

I can't tell you why I'm acting all heartbroken. We were never a couple, we just fucked and went out on dates a few times.

I laughed to myself and on cue, the elevator doors opened with a ding. I straightened out my back and strutted out of the small space.

I waved goodbye to the employees staying back for a little bit later than me.

I drove myself to work these past few days. Usually I would have a driver- most of the time it was Gregg- to drive me to and from home But I don't want to rely on anyone so I started driving my self.

Driving in the car alone gave me lots of time to think about things, it also gave me some me time, A time where I wasn't with my father or someone that worked for us.

I soon arrived home where Alex's car was parked with him inside. A smile made its way onto my face as I got out of the car, crouched, and sneakily walked up to his car.

He sat inside going through his phone. he looked so vulnerable but I had to do this, Its payback for the scare he gave me a few days ago.

I got a good view of the screen of his phone and held back the urge to burst into a fit of laughter. He was stalking some muscular guy's Insta. The guy was practically naked on all of his posts and I'm sure Alex was enjoying the view.

of course he'd be looking at something so inappropriate in his free time. I stood just a few steps away from his drivers window and counted to 3

I emerged from my " hiding spot" Jumped in front of his car with a scream.

I watched as he jumped and screamed along with me. I was laughing my butt off but Alex seemed to be having none of it.

he gave me a murderous look and abruptly got out of his car. " YOU BITCH" he screeched running towards me. My eyes widened and I quickly stopped laughing.

shit.I thought and sprinted away and inside my house. I left the door open- not to give him an advantage but so he wouldn't get locked out.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could in these heel laughing hysterically while at the same time trying not to fall and roll down these stairs like a rag doll. I got to the last step and made a run for my room.

" YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY FROM THIS," he yelled from behind me. He was closer than I had expected... but not close enough.

I barged inside my room, making sure to slam my bedroom door shut behind me. I ran into my bathroom and shut the door. I locked it but I stayed behind the door making sure he didn't pick the lock and get inside.

I calmed down my laugh as I listened to his hateful words.

" AYLA. WHEN I FIND YOU I'LL BREAK YOUR GODDAMN ARM," I heard him scream when he slammed by bedroom door open. I flinched when the door hit the wall really hard.

It didn't take long for him to figure out I was in the bathroom due to my loud laugh. he started banging on the door yelling at me to open it. I just stayed seated In front of the door biting down on my lip.

After a few minutes of loudly banging and screaming, he quieted down. I didn't trust him enough to go out there so I just stayed where I was quietly.

" ok fine. I won't break your arm, you can come out now." I heard him say from the other side. I'm not stupid, I knew he would attack me as soon as I stepped a foot out.

But I slowly got up from the floor and opened the door. My hands were shaking as I took skeptical steps out of the room.

I was about to sigh in joy when I was fully out of the bathroom but then the man popped out of nowhere and jumped on me.

I screamed my heart out not just because he scared me but because we were falling with him on top of me.

We slammed to the ground with Alex on top of my small figure. I groaned while closing my eyes in pain. I feel like a big metal ball just fell on top of me.

" holy hell Alex. Might as well just squish me to death instead of breaking my arm," I snarled while glancing over at his offended figure.

" oh would you rather i do the other option? "

I made a sour face and pushed the rest of his body off of me.

It was hard getting up. My head was pounding and I struggled to gain balance. Alex on the other hand, gracefully got up with no struggle.

I scoffed while running a hand of my clothes to smooth them out.

" I feel great now. Alright, let's go get ready!" He squealed while running into my closet. With a sigh and a roll of my eyes, I uneasily trailed after him.

I swear this guy is unable to show any negative emotion. He's always the bubbly, annoying, dirty, confident, big headed, boy crazy, little rat he is.

While I was insecure, shy, and somewhat innocent, not confident at all. I envied him for having such good traits, you'd think that after all of these years of having him in my life As my best friends, I would learn how to be more like him.

" hurry up bitch, we don't have all day." He yelled and reluctantly forced myself to the closet, that he had already destroyed.

In not even 5 minutes, he managed to make my closet look like a tornado just passed by. Clothes,
shoes, you name it were thrown everywhere.

all I could think about was how much I was gonna have to clean tomorrow.

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