019 [E]

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I was on my way to meet up with Alex and Oliver for dinner. Work was hectic and overwhelming as always but I still managed.

Oliver, Alex, and I have gotten quite close in the last 3 days since we met. He's been coming over a lot and both Alex and I enjoy his company.

Although I think Alex enjoyed his company more than I did. The two pair we're acting pretty close,and not in a friendly kind of way. They've both been flirting a lot and honestly I've known Alex for so long to know its his nature to flirt.

It took me by surprise when I walked in on them making out.. on my fucking bed. Of course they tried to brush it off by saying, " Oh he fell on top of me by accident"

I didn't buy it one bit.

I wasn't mad at all In fact I was happy for them, Maybe Alex will stop being such a whore now.

to make this harder I haven't talked to Vince since that call. He's been trying to reach me but I ignored his calls and text. Eventually he got the hint and stopped bothering me.

I won't lie tho.. I missed the attention and the constant calls. I guess I felt appreciated When he wouldn't stop ringing me.

I parked In front of the restaurant we were all meeting at and although I cut off the engine, I stayed seated without making any attempts to move. I would've been exited if I didn't see something I really didn't want to see before leaving my office.

I got a text from Alex, expecting it to be a reminder to meet up, I opened it. I was disappointed to yet find another photo of Vince with another girl. except the girl wasn't the blonde from last time, this time it was a brunette with a tan complexion and a beautiful body.

I was jealous, Not because of her body but because Vince had obviously already moved on from me and Is already on his 2nd girl. Even though its my fault. I ghosted him for 3 whole days out of despise and jealousy.

Maybe if I had answered to his calls he wouldn't be with the brunette, Maybe if I hadn't given him attitude That day maybe he would be with me right now.

Now I have to live with the pang in my chest and The fact that me and him will never be what I want us to be.

With a sigh and a last glance at the taunting picture, I threw my phone on the passenger seat and Got out of the car. I'm not taking the phone because I know I would be looking at it all day hoping to get a call from a certain someone.

I pulled the straps on my purse further up my shoulder and fixed my pencil skirt that had ridden up. I put on my best smile and walked inside the chinese restaurant. Chatter instantly filled my ears and the sound of utensils hitting the plates made me slightly annoyed.

Alex's voice stood out from everyone else's so it was easy to spot my- as always- overly dressed best friend along with Oliver who sat across from him. They we're both talking rather loudly but they we're so engaged they didn't notice the stares or me walking up to their table.

I made my presence known by scaring of them. The two men screeched in terror, the restaurant falling silent.

I was laughing my butt off while they both stayed frozen with wide eyes.

" Y-ya'lls f- faces," I was literally dying when I sat down. humorous Tears were spilling out of my eyes and soon both guys snapped out of their daze and scowled at my still laughing self.

" You really want a repeat of last time huh?" Alex scoffed while trying to hold himself back from jumping me. I quickly shut my mouth remembering the painful day where he squished me alive.

Oliver gave us curious glances surprised that I shut up so quickly. By now, the restaurant was back to buzzing with loud conversations and laughter.

" Well a bitch named Ayla," he glared at me as he turned towards Oliver, "Sneakily walked up to my car while I was distracted stalking hot naked men on insta," a snort left my mouth at how honest he is.

" I was so vulnerable, Waiting for her stupid ass so we could go clubbing But her being the evil and annoying bitch she is jumped in front of my car scaring me to literal death. My heart stopped beating for literally 6 seconds," He pretended to wipe a tear out of his eye as he continued to tell Oliver about that day.

By the time he was done, Oliver and I we're a laughing mess. Alex stayed with his mouth shut, watching us laugh at his misery.

" Its not funny," he rolled his eyes and stuffed a fork full of pasta in his mouth.

Oliver and I ignored him and continued laughing while pointing at Alex's grumpy face.

It took us awhile to calm down, the only reason we did was because our food had arrived though but we confined to k sneak glances at each other while we trying to hold back our laugh.

We both probably looked like idiots to the other people eating but we didn't care.

" anyways..." Alex wiped his mouth with a napkin before continuing, " how's it going with the guy who's name we shall not say?" he cautiously asked. he knew my feelings towards him so he was always scared to ask me about him.

and because of those certain feelings, he started calling him, " Guy who's name we shall not say" it was stupid because I knew who he was talking about and it didn't really lessen the hard pull i felt in my chest.

I shrugged and avoided his intimidating eyes that were studying my face for any emotion. When my face remained blank, he sighed and rolled his eyes not happy with my lack of words.

Oliver was also throwing daggers at the side of my head while he and Alex exchanged knowing looks.

" listen babes. he isn't worth of your heart alright?" alex began looking at oliver for help.

" y- yeah he's a stupid prick who used you. forget about him." oliver cooed softly and I hate how right they are, He isn't worth it. but I just can't help the way I feel about that " guy who's name we shall not say".

" I'm just gonna say it. I think you're just lonely. ya'll barely spent any time together, the two of you just went out and then fucked when you arrived at home. It was never official so I don't think you're heartbroken. I just think you're lonely and need some dick." He grabbed my hand.

He was horrible at making people feel better, especially when he added something inappropriate at the end. but in all honesty, I think he's right.

there's no a way you can fall in love with a person in 5 days.

I have no right to be jealous or upset over him so that's exactly what I'm not going to do. im going to forgot about him and those worthless photos.

" you're right. I'm being overly dramatic and I'm using him as a way to escape my horrible life So let's just forget about his stupid ass." I said while taking a sip of my wine.

Alex and Oliver grinned beside me and I joined in on my new plans.

and yet even if I said those things about him, deep down I knew it wasn't just about being lonely. Deep down I knew that I felt more for him then I should be feeling.

But I smiled at them nonetheless and soon after, we were engaged in our own conversation about " Sexy, naked men", brought up by alex.

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