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I bit my lips and waited for the first slap. He'd slapped me before but it wasn't in an occasion like this.

And it wasn't out of anger.

I shifted slightly which got him to grunt. He started rubbing my cheeks in a soothing manner. His hand left mine to only slam down on my right cheek with a hard slap.

I whimpered and screwed my eyes shut.

" 1, thank you." My voice was hoarse and the constant gulping didn't help relinquish my sudden thirst.

I knew he liked getting called sir so in hopes of making him happy so he doesn't actually spank me 10 times, but a he's a persistent man there are only limited things that you could do or
say to change his mind.

" 2,thank you sir!"'I cried while bitting down on my arm.

He hit me third time and that one hurt the most out of the first 2. There was no doubt in my mind that my ass would be bright red and that I won't be able to sit down properly.

And next came there 4th, the 8th, and so on.

When we were done with all 10 spankings, I was shaking as I cried and whimpered.

" you did very good baby, shh." He massaged the top of my head and it did help, but just a little bit.

We were suddenly getting up and the movement caused me to hiss at the burning of my poor cheeks. he dragged me into the bathroom and bent me over the counter.

I hoped so bad that he wasn't going to bruise my ass than it already was
I couldn't take it. I crossed my fingers and bit my lip so hard that I tasted blood.

I was proven wrong when something cold came in contact with my butt. I moaned and pushed my ass back towards it.

Vince began to spread it around my 2 cheeks while muttering sweet things to me.

" you took that so well baby," he said while bending down to where his lips were next to my ears. I hummed but kept my head down on my arms.

Once he was done, he pulled me up and spun me around until I came face to face with him.

He was smiling down at me but I didn't return the gesture. I rested the top of my head on his chest. " it hurts Vince," I sighed while opening an eye and tilting my head up.

" I know baby girl but it will pass. Now you know what happens when i get angry with you huh?" He asked while pressing a small kiss to my head.

I don't get how someone can act so sweet right after spanking the hell out of another person. He's probably the most bipolar person I've met, coming in 1st before Alex.

Alex! Oh shit, I forgot I have to meet up with him and Oliver.

" crap!" I pulled away from Vince ignoring the pain that shot down to my ass. I needed to get my phone from my bedroom to call the boys and inform them on why I'm running late.

though I will definitely let out some details... I don't want them to know that I was with Vince and that he went full of christian grey mode on me.

It will be hard, considering Alex can see through any lie. He will interrogate me and make me feel horrible until I spill the whole truth.

Just when I had taken 3 steps I gave up. I want to ask Vince go get my phone for me but I don't know if I should.

He will probably take the Opportunity to snoop through it and god knows that isn't a good idea.

Especially because I've been texting boys on tinder and going out with the few of them. He won't be happy with the flirty messages that have gone back and forth with many of the male population I've talked and met with.

I swallowed hard and nervously turned to him.

I guess it's best to ask him. I know Alex or Oliver will be worried sick that I didn't show up and then they will freak out and call the police or maybe even the whole swat team.

" Vince?" I peeked at him from under my lashes,I waited for him to say something but only got a ' mhm'.
" can you go get my phone? It's in my purse by the door." I sheepishly asked while giving him a small encouraging smile.

" yeah, I'll get it." He strode out of the bathroom and disappeared. My legs were giving out from under me and I wanted to sit down so bad but I couldn't due to my current butt situation.

I groaned and leaned next to the counter which helped a bit.

Vince soon came back talking In a raised voice,
" Who's Oliver?" He questioned while holding up my phone.

I sighed and resisted the need to yell at him for going through my phone.

" why does it matter to you?" I knew He didn't like teasing and attitude and I soon regretted my choice of words.

He will surely give me another 15 slaps and that just wasn't possible anymore.

He glared at me still holding my phone up. " wanna try that again?" His voice boomed and echoed around the large bathroom.

" fine it's a friend," I muttered and tried to snatch my phone from him. He only held it up higher and started down at me.

God how I hate being short now. My pride was slowly becoming non existing and that's all because of the handsome, extremely hot giant killing me with his eyes.

" a friend hm? Let's see here," he turned my phone towards him and starting taping on the screen.

" come on Vince stop, he's just a friend I swear," I tried to grab my phone once again but his laugh only made me freeze.

It was a cold laugh, as if someone he hated just said something unbelievable and he didn't believe them.

" wow would a friend say. Hey babe, where are you?" He said putting emphasis on the ' babe'. I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

" god Vince its not like that. Babe is just a nick name," I tried to reason with him but he was just too stubborn.

I don't even know why I'm trying to explain myself to him. He was the one who had something going on with 2 girls, he was the only who stopped calling and then texting.

It's none of his business if I'm seeing someone or not. He shouldn't even care.

In fact I should be enraged that he went through my phone and read my messages without my Permission.

But I couldn't bring myself to be mad. My soft spot for him was growing so immensely that it was getting dangerous.

I guess he's feeling what I was feeling when I saw the pictures of the blonde and the beautiful brunette. A part of me wants him to feel what I felt and another sick part of me wanted to sleep with someone or even just get with someone and rub it in his face.

" right. Does your ' friend' know that you were in your room with another guy letting them spank you?" He asked walking closer to me.

" what?! There's no reason for him to know! He's a friend, in fact he's dating Alex." I shouldn't have told him Alex's business but it seemed to have calmed him down.

Plus I know Alex wouldn't mind because when they made it official, he went around in real life, social media and spread the news.

His eyes softened a little bit but he kept staring at me skeptically.

" can I have my phone now," I Glared back at him and pointed my hand to the phone he was holding against his side.

" fine." He gave me back my phone with grunt and stepped away from me.

He leaned back on the tub and kept staring at me. He clearly needed to know what I was going to do, I guess I didn't have his full trust on the situation.

" And don't go through my phone again." I snapped.

" I didn't I heard the buzzing and thought someone was calling you. I looked down and saw that it was a message, I didn't mean to be nosy." He explained.

With a roll of my eyes, I turned away from him and dialed Oliver's Number. I probably should have called Alex so Vince didn't freak out again but I knew Oliver would take in my words calmly without letting his anger get the best of him.

" hey Oliver."

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