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Jk entered the dorm after his vocal practice. The doom was dark that means probably everyone has slept. Jk arrives late daily so he can have shower and sleep. He is very shy in front of other members. They are very supportive and understanding but he can't change or roam naked in front of them.

He locked the door and start going towards bathroom, but then he noticed some guy in their hall.
He was looking at him. His face is not visible to jk because of darkness.

"Hi i am taehyung, and you are?" , He introduced himself.
He was freeze. What should he do? Who is he? What is he doing here? He wanted to say something but he couldn't speak out.

"Helllloooo, are you theree? I am asking you? Are you another member?" When taehyung stand up to go to jk. Jk ran way in bathroom and locked his door. He slide down behind the  door . His heart was beating fast.

Taehyung was confused. He joined big hit on that day. He met all the members except one. Everyone said he was in vocal practice. Maybe he was that member.but why he ran away from me? Weird?! He went to sleep too.

****Next day****

Jk woke up and went to have breakfast with other members. They have small dorm with one bathroom and one room and one hall. But they are happy together. They eat breakfast in hall on the small table. Jin hyung makes breakfast everyday for all the members. He is the eldest but the youngest too. He is a funny guy.

When i sat , there was one new guy on table who was looking at the roof and murmuring something.

RM: Jk did you meet taehyung? He is our new member, he joined yesterday.

'oh so he is the new member' jk thought. When tae met his eyes to say hi. Jk can't remove his eyes from him. He was so handsome and he was smiling at him.

His smile is very unique , its like a box.
Jk said hi and start eating his breakfast , then they went for practice.

Thats how they first met.

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