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" Hyung...." Jungkook was jumping like a bunny he is, looking at the beach. He is so excited to be here with his boyfriend.

" Jungkookie , calm down baby . We're gonna be here for the next three days. If you keep jumping like that you'll get tired and we won't be able to go out."

Jungkook halted on his toes . He turned around sheepishly. Taehyung opened his arms and jungkook went in them. Hugging him tighter.

" Are you happy? " Tae asked softly. That's all that matters to him anyways. Jungkook 's happiness. After the news jungkook was very quiet , for anyone who doesn't know him it seems as his introverted personality but tae knows his boyfriend , he knows why he was silent. He was hurt but doesn't want to worry anyone. So the trip could  be a distraction from their real situation.

" Very. Thank you. " Jungkook whispered from his neck where he was settled right then.

" Your welcome , love. Now choose fast, swimming in the sea or building a sand castle? "

Jungkook looked at him with shimmering eyes. Tae sighed . Already guessed the answer.

" Swimming it is ." As soon as word was out, jungkook pulled out his luggage , moving his clothes   neatly to find his swim trunk. Jungkook doesn't like mess. He is the cleanest of all the members though everyone makes fun of him by saying jhope is better but they all know he is crazy about it.

" Found it " jungkook did a victory sign and went into the bathroom to change. The whole scene was done in a few minutes. Tae was still looking at him with wide eyes and a shake of his head.

" This crazy over energetic bunny ." He mumbled to himself as he went to his own luggage to find his pair. He doesn't need a bathroom to change unlike his Boyfriend he is not that shy.

After jungkook came out, tae was already laying on the sand outside their room. It's a private beach house where their room door is open on the beach.

Jungkook moved out. He was wearing something he never wore before. It's a two piece. Jungkook knows how much tae likes cross dressing so he purchased the set before coming there.

" Tae " jungkook called his boyfriend softly who was leaning on his elbows, eyes closed, consuming the sun. Looking like a front cover magazine model. He is one though.

Tae opened his eyes and within a second he fell on his back. Eyes wide looking at jk upside down. Then slowly he turned on his front, still laying and eyes went from jk 's toe to his head, stopping at his cloth pieces for more seconds.

" Are you fucking real? " Jk blushed at the statement.

" Am I looking fine? " He asked. He has doubts if he would look in such clothing. He has a muscular body.

" Fine? You looking ... The word which is not even in the dictionary.. I am speechless. Wow kookie " tae was still consuming every side of his boyfriend. It was a shock to see jk in such a set. He never wore something so feminine and exposing.

" I brought it for you . " Jk said quietly.

" Come here sweetheart." Tae commanded with something dark in his voice. Jk felt a shiver throught his body at his voice . Everyone who see them they might think jk is the top in their relationship since he is so masculine and only like dark clothes and metal jewellery. He even has tattoos. But in their case the roles are totally reverse. Tae can be seen fragile but he is more stronger than jungkook. In every sense.

So when tae is so authoritive and dominating, every fibre in jk summit to him instantly. Which explains why as soon as the words  were out of tae's mouth, jk was settled on his boyfriend's lap.

" Tae- swim.." tae cut his words and kissed him furiously. His hands were touching every part of his body. Jk lost in his touch as he always do. He didn't even notice when he start rubbing his ass on tae's bulge until tae harshly grabbed him and fasten the moment.

" Tae- please. " Jk please. He need him inside him, over him.

" Tae ? That's how you call me , huh baby? " Tae keep the motion and teasing.

" Please hyung-- fuck- I can't " jk was a moaning mess from the friction. It's euphoric but not enough.

" Then open up for me. Show me how much you need me. " Jk didn't hesitate a moment his moved his hand to his hole and slide his two fingers then three to four to open up as fast as he can. When he can't handle anymore, he grabbed tae' shorts , took his dick out and sat down on him.

The moment stole both their breathes, for tae it was the feeling of warmth and tightness and for jk it was the stretch.

" Hyung-- please --" tae laid his boyfriend down and fucked him like there was no tomorrow.

After their hot session , both were way too exhausted for the swim. So they lay down naked on the sand and look up at the sky, talking and  stargazing till they felt sleepy.


" Aachuuu... " Jk sniffled. Rubbing his nose from the back of his hand.  Tae handed him the handkerchief. Lip presses, controlling his laughter.

Jk looked at him, eyes narrowed. But smiled anyways.

"In case you don't know, it's your fault. "

Tae gasped dramatically.

" Why , kookie ? What did I do? "

" Fuck me on the  fucking beach. It was windy outside. "

" You didn't complain before. As i remember you were the one who took my cock out and sat on- " jk put his palm on tae's mouth. Tae start laughing at his shy baby.

" Come on . Drink this tea , Jin hyung said it would help. Then we can go out. We might dress up each other too if you want. There is some pirate party on one of the yacht. We are invited. It's private . No cameras. "

" Why am I not suprised , Kim taehyung. ..the social butterfly found us a private party within a day on the island. How you even manage to get those Infos ? " Jk said as he drank his tea.

Tae just shrugged as it was nothing unusual.


Both tae and jungkook dressed up each other based on the theme and went on the yacht.

As soon they entered, they were shocked the party was wild. They looked at each other, the smiles got wider and they joined the party .

They danced with each other like no one was seeing , eat like they are starving from years , drink like they were thirsty until they are too exhausted to even move.

Both were laying on the side of the deck, since it's empty now . Looking at the sea. Tae looked at his baby and got up. Jk was too lost to notice in his thoughts.

" Kookie... " Tae 's sweet voice interrupted his thoughts when he turned around tae was not beside him but behind him, on one knee with a ring box in his hand.

Jk was on his knees instantly, too shock to understand.

" Tae .. what's -"

" Kookie .. today was the last day of our trip and I wanted to make it memorable. I was waiting for this moment for months. We have been through alot and we might go through more. But everything is enduring when I am with you. You make me the most happiest man in this world and I am luckiest to have someone like you as my partner. So here i am asking you my dear love, Jeon jungkook, will you spend your rest of life with me? Will you marry me? "

" Tae .. we are in Korea.. we can't - "

" I know . But we can , world doesn't need to know. Yet. Until we are ready. I talked about it to everyone. Our hyungs and pd nim. Even our parents. Everyone agreed. Now what's stopping you? Will you marry me , baby? "

Jk nodded his head with tear in his eyes.

" Yes , Kim taehyung, I will marry you. " Tae put the ring on his finger and kissed his soon to be husband with so much love with the moon and stars as their witnesses.

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